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Songs That Should Not Be Allowed To Be Covered Ever!

sideburns(dnt ask)

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  sideburns(dnt ask) said:
MJ's a good shout 'cause those songs only work with him. I would say every Queen song but the guys from we will rock you do them amazingly well.

Also anything by Eric Claptons been added to my list.


good call with clapton, Cant think of a single song that has been covered well. Oh and Btw im probably claptons biggest fan lol

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Not so much a fan of Queen, I think they're very overated.

Covering songs can be good sometimes, what I never understand is why they release a cover so soon after the original one was released (i.e. any snow patrol covers).

It cam be good if the artist is any good, however I tend to find that shit covers are made by X Factor finalists or whatever. Look at the MJ cover they did for Xmas, it failed misrably with that annoying 'X Factor Sound' in the back...you know, the beat they always play along to slow-mo video footage of contestants getting through a round or when they're telling they're sob story.

Anyway; bands music I don't like to see sampled or covered are; Pink Floyd, The Beatles, The Clash, Eric Clapton and that's pretty much it, but even then I wouldn't mind if the artist was any good.

As an example, a friend of mine when to Austraila for a while, when he got back he invited a guy to stop at his house for the weekend, someone he met in Oz. Turns out he was a fantastic guitar player and he agreed to go a gig in his back garden for his birthday.

He did a lot of his own stuff (sort of Flight of the Conchords stuff) and also did a lot of covers - everyone of them sounded great and something I'd enjoy listening to on the radio - so just gots to show, its the artist, not the song.

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Anzo i hear what your saying man. Especially about the small time guys covering the songs. I kinda meant covers that where being released or perfomed on a large scale.

I suppose its all down to personal choice but it really gets to me when the singers of the original have a very distinctive voice 'cause then if it is covered it automatically

sounds pretty whack especially if your an avid fan of the original artist.

I just hate it when these people who only have a slight talent attempt to sing a song that doesn't work with their voice or they try and update it.

especially the classics.

just my thoughts.


P.s Anzo currently listening to a 1973 copy of dark side of the moon. :)

P.s p.s matt i just heard that version and they need to grovell to dio for forgiveness!

Edited by sideburns(dnt ask)
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Anything by Bob Marley. Unless of course your the crackhead rasta (i realise that's an oxymoron, but believe me she exists) lady in one of my local pubs who sounds EXACTLY like him when she sings Buffalo Soldier every week without fail on the open mic night.

Bob Dylan as well while I'm here

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  sideburns(dnt ask) said:
Indeed they do belong in here. However i will say that the old Michael Buble version of feeling good was quite asonishing.


I'm pretty sure Feeling good was a cover when muse did it though. But yeah, I know what you mean.

Having read on the cover of the sun in the staff room at work the other day that the sun are releasing a charity song in aid of the recent earthquake that's going to be a cover of Everybody Hurts by REM, and I for one think they're going to rape it, they mentioned JLS, Rodd stuart and Liona Lewis. If liona lewis does the typical RnB style, 'i cant sing for shit without wavering everywhere, over dramatising everything and putting way too much emphasis on my own part in the song rather than letting the song work as whole' thing, then it's going to be the slaughter of a classic song.

So yeah, I'd like to add REM to the list, as well as agreeing with muse and radiohead.

I really like it when band cover songs and change the style completely though, it can sound awesome. Stuff like Doin' Time by Sublime, although that's more of a sample really. The postman by Cragga's awesome too, and pendulums live lounge cover of violet hill can't go unmentioned.

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