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Deonn h

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2 people 50/50 split , 1 was supposed to deal with the money, then send a check to the other. They have had a letter from a solicitor demanding all of the paperwork and everything for the house cost, car, accounts etc. They then came up with a figure to the soliciter, 3 solicitors letters later , they have come up with a further 2 Higher figures so nothings to say now the final figure is still maybe wrong. So they have lied to the solicitors twice as well as lying to the sibling.

Edited by Deonn h
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Who is the executor of the estate?


Jokes aside, there should be a much easier way to do this, we had issues similar to this with both all of my grandparents houses.

Its concidered fraud but there's little that can be done about it, due to the person recieving the money being an heir.

Unless it says on the will money to be shared equally they can really f**k you around...

Not entirely sure on the details, but this is a voice of much experience (Although i wish it wasn't.)

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Hmmm, sounds to me like a Civil case, not a criminal case as such...although I guess you could technically argue fraud or theft.

Although it depends entirely on the circumstances which we know only half of - the executor has a legal responsibilty to distribute the estate and there is a lot of responsibilty in it. As said, for such a matter you're better off seeking professional advice (i.e. Citizens Advice).

We're not solicitors here :)

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I no lol was just bored and curious, and there was no will and 2 children so it goes 50 50 anyway. I just though it would be some sort of criminal activity, them swearing against an oath to the solicitors then lying, and coming up with different prices.

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