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Sidehop Help

Joe O'Connor

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Ive been having trouble sidehopping. When ever I try it, I can get the hight but my feet (mostly inside foot) come off the pedals and I land with one foot off the bike. I dont know what is causing me to do it?

Its annoying because I can pedal kick up the same height!

I have checked trashzen but that didnt tell my what to do to stop my foot falling off.

Any help at all is appreciated :)


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i just learnt to sidehop over the last couple of days and dont have any issues now...

unless your foot coming off because its sliding....id recommend getting back to basics again (on flat on both wheels going left and right) and then building back up? shouldnt take long at all

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  J Trials 31 said:
Awesome avatar, Gary.

Never had a problem with my feet falling off. Maybe shoes? Try some good ol skate shoes. Sidehopping is different than pedal kicking. I can definitely up bigger than sidehop.

Nah, skate shoes are shit along with 50/50s.

Get better pedals and some proper trials shoes. And if that doesn't solve your problem, then you need to practice more.

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Just keep at it dude, soon you will get use to it, i had the same problem i could get real good high but my foot would come off when i landed on the wall..its definatly a mental thing. Just keep at it and once you feel you are getting better try a really small wall or object and get use to landing on it and then work your way up :D

Hope this helped.

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yeah it's a mental thing. you need to force yourself to keep the foot on the pedal. Since I have vertical dropouts and a chain tensioner I have the same problem sometimes. because I'm afraid of landing on the hanger/chain tensioner. I guess you need to be comitted, which might cause some damage or pain sometimes, but really makes you pull it off!

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  Simpson said:
Putting your foot down is a mental thing, not a physical thing.

It is deffinately a mental thing, just really concentrate on keeping your foot on there. I did this for ages and still do sometimes now it really pisses me off but I find if I really concentrate on looking at the spot I want my front wheel to land it doesn't happen.

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It's definitely mental... I have the same issue, and it's not a shoe or pedal issue.. (Wellgo MG-1 with Shimano MP90)

I think the issue is leaning too far to the inside when you land... because when I don't have that issue usually my body automatically pivots the front wheel over instead of my foot coming off the pedal.

Another issue I have is not releasing the rear brake... I've been doing totally static sidehops, it's frustrating, I need to learn them from 2 wheels... something I should have done in the beginning instead of going directly from rear wheel sidehops.

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  Borgschulze said:
It's definitely mental... I have the same issue, and it's not a shoe or pedal issue.. (Wellgo MG-1 with Shimano MP90)

I think the issue is leaning too far to the inside when you land... because when I don't have that issue usually my body automatically pivots the front wheel over instead of my foot coming off the pedal.

Another issue I have is not releasing the rear brake... I've been doing totally static sidehops, it's frustrating, I need to learn them from 2 wheels... something I should have done in the beginning instead of going directly from rear wheel sidehops.

I take mine off before I land.

Also on the two wheel thing, I can sidehop better from two wheels for some reason which I think is because when I side hop from one wheel I am not pushing the pedals rather just jumping with the bike.

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I have exactly the same problem, and I know that it's completely mental issue, Always the same fkng foot on the floor....

Now I'm trying to do lower sidehops than I can really do and trying to equilibrate my body and bike to the other side...When I'll control this, I'll return to the bigger ones.

Edited by 315r
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  Revolver said:
I came up with a much better solution to sidehops.

At one point I could sidehop 24" or so, and then I couldn't land them any more.

So, the solution to this problem?

Don't do sidehops :shifty:

Excellent solution but a little bit extreme..

You can also tie your leg to your pedal.....

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