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Validation Leanientcy ! Members Read !


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its true that first impressions do mean alot, but then at the same time...if a new potential member came along to the forum they would also potentially see a long string of pointless topics in NMC, most of which with replies along the lines of 'this question has been asked', 'no selling in NMC', 'refer to the NMC rules' and a load of pretty pointless posts created just in a bid to gain attention to become validated.

surely this would be as bad an impression as one single topic discussing (quite childishly at times) the validation system?...much better anyway than the new potential member thinking the forum is full of tards who cant spell, ask daft questions a monkey could answer, have an inablity to use and common sence or read and follow basic rules.

im hoping just as a result of this being here...it may have stopped at least a couple of daft topics or a couple of ridiculous validation votes being made. much better all this nonsence is confined to one topic than spread across the forum ;)

EDIT* before anyone joins on the bandwagon of through abuse, i am aware i dont use capital letters and im aware one of the mods refuses to validate someone if thats the case! what can i say, i just dont like them...its like alphabet hierarchy ;)

Reduce collateral, good thinking, let all the bullshit stay in one place....on that note im gonna stop writing on this thread lol.

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All I meant was, we have all been on here before, and so was josh. And in all fairness he is better than he was.

I'm not going to use the old He's nice in real life, so he's going to be nice on here. Because that is a faulse excuse. I'm generally a nice guy to be with, but on the forum, I can be a complete mong.

I don't see why, you don't give Josh a couple of weeks in NMC still, watch over him. And if he is alright, let him into members. If he is a twat in there, permban. Sorted and leave it at that.

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Well i see that most of the points are valid except if a knowledgeable rider joined and didnt use it because of people thinking he is dumb , If members had a "are you sure you would like to vote for such and such then a link to the users post list and profile " i supose that would be a lot better and it would stop ;accidental votes and some childish votes because it shouldn't be as easy as click one button , maybe it could be like the report button which isnt automatically reported ???

Am i being a div for bringing this up because in my opinion this is a growing forum and maybe some feedback to the mods and seniors etc is a good thing been as tomturd hasn't asked lately how things are running ( not blaming tom he could be busy )


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im not kicking up a fuss , im not wanting anything i like NMC to be honest , jack chinnery suggested stuff but i haven't answerd the questions . im not trying to get in anyone good books either im just stating FACTS .

now can we stop asuming and get back to the topic please ??

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I'm not assuming anything, you're kicking up a fuss about the validation system being flawed and ended your post with something like "if you vote for them it's you're own fault" (i'm not 100% sure what you meant as it reads a bit weird).

You even said

maybe some feedback to the mods and seniors etc is a good thing been as tomturd hasn't asked lately how things are running ( not blaming tom he could be busy )

Blaming him for what? That he hasn't asked you if you like how he runs his forum? We can see how it's going from behind the scenes.

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ok ok

sorry if it sounded like it was put accros in that way i ment if everyone starts voting people who dont deserve to get validated NMC will just loose its meaning if you get me . i know what i want to say in my head but its hard to word it.

Tomturd a couple of months ago posted a thread asking how the NMC validation button is working and there hasnt really been another one since soo i thought i would bring it up , is that against the rules or am i wrong ?

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It's worth noting that the voting system is used purely to bring a worthy member to the attention of people like me. It's not a way to vote in your friends or anything like that.

If some doofus comes along and gets a million votes, then us mods will come along, look at their posting history and decide their a doofus and not validate them.

On the flip side, it means that people get recognised more quickly, and brought to the attention of mods who validate them.

The criteria hasn't changed, just the way people get noticed.

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The way the system works now makes the forum more easily accesible for everyone. On the one hand this is great as new riders/people new to the forum gain access to the full forum sooner, but on the flipside this also means it's more accessible for retards and scammers.

Cake, eat it (before it's stolen or made with poor spelling and grammar)

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The thing i dont understand is why josh is getting so into it all? He cant vote for people to become members, he's stuck in new members so why does it effect him so much?

im not sticking up for anyone, im relatively new here...and reading through this topic from an unbiased view point, it does seem to be pretty weighted against the guy

like alot of the chat on the forum, its been brought up because someone has an opinion on it...it doesnt need to be brought up with a motive in mind, sometimes its just nice to start up conversation and debate through an issue, maybe even change someones viewpoint

on this same logic of wondering why any person is concerned about validating;

alot of new members want to be validated, their access to all the knowledge and information on the forum doesnt increase, and neither does their ability to ask any trials related question. so other than those wanting to sell, the only difference really its to feel like they are part of the 'community' and join in with discussion on any manner of topics (the latter needing no motive whatsoever)

edit* if there are some other bigger logistical reasons why a person would need to become a full member again, id be curious to hear - i could be missing out on something :)

Edited by chris4stars
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The thing i dont understand is why josh is getting so into it all? He cant vote for people to become members, he's stuck in new members so why does it effect him so much?

Josh, top tip here. Stop being a tool! It just makes you stay here longer

These two posts make it sound like the new members chat is a punishment "he's stuck in new members" And "it just makes you stay here longer"

Not very welcoming. think this thread should be deleted. its also takin all the attention away from genuine new members threads.

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In all fairness, I should have kept out... Again. :P

But, I do fully agree with what Josh Is saying. There is a flaw in the validation system, too many new into the full members are voting there mates in, when (some, not all) are complete mongs. Who you can't understand a word they are saying, and have clearly not ready any of the rules.

I'm not apointing this at anyone, and it isnt really a flaw. Just in all fairness, I much prefered the old validation system. Where you would have to work/ or not even that, just put a bit of effort into your post's. But now, it's as easy as me making 2/3 accounts so I could spam the forum, and easyly get back into members. When before, it was all (I feel, alot more secure) it felt as the rules were followed more etc.

Kthnxbi. x

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