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Temporary Otn Forum


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i was told that this should be posted in this section. i hope people actually check it. i've installed a temporary forum for otn members on the richmondtrials server. if you were an active otn member, please contribute to the forum to bring the community back to life


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No you weren't, you were twice told the rules, and i'll do it again

5. Advertising Minimum Penalty - 1 Warning Point
  • Advertising your personal site is encouraged, do this in the 'Web Site Updates' forum.
  • Advertising of other forums is NOT accepted, this is considered as very bad 'netiquette'.
  • Advertising of sites which sell products is not accepted. This includes placing links (clickable or not) in signatures, custom member titles and avatars. Trials-Forum relies on banners/paying advertisers to keep running, if you want Trials-Forum to stick around, don't annoy our current advertisers by posting links to their competitors sites.

Repeat Offenders will be warned.

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