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Video Editing For Trials Videos...


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Basically I'm NOT the best at video editing and here are a few questions:

[Earlier that said ...I'm the best... Sorry about that, that was a grammar mistake.]

a) What program do you use (I have Windows Movie Maker, but I think it sucks)

B) What do you think looks good, like what type of effects and stuff like that?

c) Do you like it when people replay a move they did in slow-motion?

d) Can someone help me out with editing (Show me a video to a good tutorial that isn't full off lot's of newbie stuff?)

Also add in some other stuff that you think is and is not good to add in a trials video?

Basically this is good feedback for me and others, I just want to know for when I make my video!



Edited by dannytrialskid
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Ait, I've been doing movie editing for quite a while, so I'll give you a few headers.

Less is often more.

Don't go in with loads of huge text, blinking images and fancy transitions if you can't make them fit the movie perfectly. That would just make it look silly.

The same goes for colours and contrast and brightness settings as well. Don't go nuts.

Now, for the first movies. Take your time, find out what you like, both from watching other movies, and experimenting yourself. Especially the last one there, will after some time, give you the experience needed to pull off some fancy, good looking effects.

Basic progress would be:

Pick a song, or a songline for the movie. And edit your clips and scenes taking the music into consideration.

A good effect doesn't complete with the visual part. It needs the audio to be good.

For editing programs, I personally use Sony Vegas, together with Adobe After Effects and 3ds max. But you will be fine with only Vegas in the start.

Get to know the different tools, and you will find it much easier to make a good movie when you get some off.

And that being said, a good movie doesn't finish off in two hours. Good movies take weeks and months to finish. But of course, generally, for a trials movie, just normal scene cutting is more than enough. In the end, we're interested in the riding, right? :)

/Jan Tore

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I use "sony vegas". You could buy it or get it some way I shouldn't tell here :rolleyes: It's better then moviemaker with more effects and better tools etc.

Making an good video.... It's not all about the riding it self. You can be an awful rider but make an interesting video that gets people to watch till the end and actually like it.

The best way to learn how to make a good video is watching other popular videos professionals and amateurs. Take notes of how they are made, clips, effects, repeating clips, angles etc. Choice of music, make the pictures float with the music and so on. Try to look for those things that make it look good beside the actual riding.

And then practice, make videos ask for critics. Listen to the critics and see if you can change it.

If you've seen my Inspired Autumn I recently made a remake that got a lot better(if you ask me). The first one got more of the cool slowmotion clips but it got to much, and other things that I thought was fun but may be not for others. Two videos made from the same material but quite different in interesting level.

The remake

The first one(forget about the music, had to change because of the youtube filter)

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Basically I'm NOT the best at video editing and here are a few questions:

[Earlier that said ...I'm the best... Sorry about that, that was a grammar mistake.]

a) What program do you use (I have Windows Movie Maker, but I think it sucks)

B) What do you think looks good, like what type of effects and stuff like that?

c) Do you like it when people replay a move they did in slow-motion?

d) Can someone help me out with editing (Show me a video to a good tutorial that isn't full off lot's of newbie stuff?)

Also add in some other stuff that you think is and is not good to add in a trials video?

Basically this is good feedback for me and others, I just want to know for when I make my video!



sony vegas 7.0b build 115 (Y)

keep it simple, simple transitions, nice track not to fancy, onto a winner

Ait, I've been doing movie editing for quite a while, so I'll give you a few headers.

Less is often more.

Don't go in with loads of huge text, blinking images and fancy transitions if you can't make them fit the movie perfectly. That would just make it look silly.

The same goes for colours and contrast and brightness settings as well. Don't go nuts.

Now, for the first movies. Take your time, find out what you like, both from watching other movies, and experimenting yourself. Especially the last one there, will after some time, give you the experience needed to pull off some fancy, good looking effects.

Basic progress would be:

Pick a song, or a songline for the movie. And edit your clips and scenes taking the music into consideration.

A good effect doesn't complete with the visual part. It needs the audio to be good.

For editing programs, I personally use Sony Vegas, together with Adobe After Effects and 3ds max. But you will be fine with only Vegas in the start.

Get to know the different tools, and you will find it much easier to make a good movie when you get some off.

And that being said, a good movie doesn't finish off in two hours. Good movies take weeks and months to finish. But of course, generally, for a trials movie, just normal scene cutting is more than enough. In the end, we're interested in the riding, right? :)

/Jan Tore

pm me were you can get after affects from?

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pm me were you can get after affects from?

You can either get it the illegal way through torrent or you can download the demo and go on the internet to find a product key and use it :)

Everyone does that :D


Legally purchase it for ALOT of money.

Edited by dannytrialskid
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Best tip I can give for editing trials videos is simplicity.

Keep it as simple as possible, a couple of titles at maximum, no transitional effects need to be used just a normal cutaway does the job.

Don't drag out clips too long otherwise your video will become boring, contrastingly; don't make clips too short otherwise it will look jumpy and be hard to get into.

Music choice, best go with a genre that is liked universally, don't go for overused stuff like Linkin Park as that will annoy everyone, but a light rock track or indie usually does the job well (as much as I hate the indie genre), and try to make sure it hasn't been used in a trials video before.

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For editing I use mostly Adobe after effects and sony vegas pro 9. I mostly do my graphical creation/ editing in AE then render and what not (add small edits+ musics and stuff) in vegas. A really helpful site for beginners learning AE would be videocopilot.net which has a bunch of free tutorials that i found helpful. If not googleing things like "after effects tutorials" or "vegas pro tutorials" should give you some great links.

I have a few simple videos that i've made while i was bored which you look at to see if after effects is your thing. i'm only a beginner so just keep in mind that you can do much more, its lots of fun!


only trying to help

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I'm planning to and i will eventually make my-way trials videos editing tut. But not now :(

Stick with the song. Stay away from crazy angles. Try to make every move look good. Don't use effects :) Most important - Don't let the viewer get bored = that is = don't show all that boring stuff!!! (which, when you think about it sometimes boils down to "don't make a video" - but no. Don't make a bad video - is true)

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