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Making A Frame


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No one saying that you aren't making a tester bike as such, its just with the current geo you wont be able to ride it for trials in any way, if you can ride it at all; so testing it for strength will be very difficult.

Well done for giving it a go man ! Its nice to see someone who"s willing to give it a go instead of sitting around with there cock in there hand. One thing though im glad your going to be the test dummy for the frame and not others + 1000 for effort.

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Well done for giving it a go man ! Its nice to see someone who"s willing to give it a go instead of sitting around with there cock in there hand. One thing though im glad your going to be the test dummy for the frame and not others + 1000 for effort.

Thanks a lot bud, nice to get a comment that isn't a "yeah but" or "it isn't gonna work" (Y) . The next one will have a hell of a lot more time and thought put into it and a nice hefty bb rise! :P

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Thanks a lot bud, nice to get a comment that isn't a "yeah but" or "it isn't gonna work" (Y) . The next one will have a hell of a lot more time and thought put into it and a nice hefty bb rise! :P

yoooo man sorry just realised I didn't give you the kudos you deserve either, big respect bro good luck keep us posted with how it turns out

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Well done for giving it a go man ! Its nice to see someone who"s willing to give it a go instead of sitting around with there cock in there hand. One thing though im glad your going to be the test dummy for the frame and not others + 1000 for effort.

Are you trying to imply that i'm sat here with my cock in my hand? Bizarre. I wasn't knocking him for trying, far from it, i've been very tempted to do the same if i had the time and resources; what i was trying to point out was the obvious fact that the general geometry of the frame will be as far removed from a trials bike as possible and that it should have been something he should have considered in the first place. Guess its a case of live and learn and try again. Which no doubt he will do (Y)

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Are you trying to imply that i'm sat here with my cock in my hand? Bizarre. I wasn't knocking him for trying, far from it, i've been very tempted to do the same if i had the time and resources; what i was trying to point out was the obvious fact that the general geometry of the frame will be as far removed from a trials bike as possible and that it should have been something he should have considered in the first place. Guess its a case of live and learn and try again. Which no doubt he will do (Y)

As boys we all get caught with it in our hands at some point but no mate i wasnt. I was just giving the lad some positive feed back regarding getting off his arse and giving something a go, may not turn out to well by the looks of things but Hey ! we all start somewhere and with time things can only progress :)

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Good luck with the build mate, and can't give you enough respect for having a go at (almost) making your own frame.

Can't knock him too much guys, s'pose its more about the experience of doing it than will it work.

In 5-10 years could be one of the top frame builders out there, everyone gotta start somewhere.

On another note, i bet it snaps within a few hours, but if it does the next one won't!

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cheers for the support guys, I've built it up using spare crap bits and realized that because the forks are skinny the only stem i can use is the old style with integrated headset. Also the only spare brakes i can find are piece of shit cantilever ones! Gonna have to borrow some vee's off another bike <_< How crap! spoils everything really. (N) Not happy!

I'll get some pics now......

And yes i know I'll get stick for the awful parts but they're the only spares i could find lol.




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Well considering that today was supposed to be the heaviest snowing day so far that's been a huge fail as there's no snow at all :)

I've had a quick ride and amazingly it rides bloody lovely! There's a lot of angle on the bars but it works just fine! nice and light, no flex, not very flicky but I'm very happily surprised! OH! and the dropouts are fine! I would get a video but I Don't have a camera.

I'll be spraying it soon when i get a heater for my garage so I don't have to ride around on a raleigh ha ha

Does anyone have any ideas for the next frame to be made?

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Well considering that today was supposed to be the heaviest snowing day so far that's been a huge fail as there's no snow at all :)

I've had a quick ride and amazingly it rides bloody lovely! There's a lot of angle on the bars but it works just fine! nice and light, no flex, not very flicky but I'm very happily surprised! OH! and the dropouts are fine! I would get a video but I Don't have a camera.

I'll be spraying it soon when i get a heater for my garage so I don't have to ride around on a raleigh ha ha

Does anyone have any ideas for the next frame to be made?

koxx black sky replica :D

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though being serious....a design of sorts that deviates from the norm....id be curious to see what some people can come up with!

Ha ha yeah I'm not THAT skilled! But yeah I will try something a bit different. But strength does have to be a key factor remember so its not going to be amazingly radical!

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cool ghetto frame. i like it. but the main intention have to be that you realize your own and right geo. no compromise about the geo. the design, the weight is not so important by a ghetto frame i think.

on the next frame you should buy a head tube.

i have realized the head tubes on my first prototyp by cutting the tube along and weld it in the right diameter. the next prototyp was an 18,90euro umformed ebay steelframe with right head tube and the third prototyp that still is in use has a heating pipe head tube.

now i have the right tubes for the next frames and it is every euro worth. one meter columbus head tube costs about 16 euro and you can make 6-7 frames.

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Really nicely done. I like how simple you kept the design and fabrication. Glad to hear it works well, too.

For the next frame, I agree with rainsco, really focus on the geometry, and worry about weight and strength (and appearance) later. Just make the frame quick and junky to test the geometry. Then do another to tune it again. Don't make either of those to last (consider them prototypes). Once you think you have the geometry really nailed, go buy a titanium or steel tube set, get the miters done right, and do a good job. Then you'll have a kickass bike, tailored to you. And the fabrication quality will be good, because you will have had practice on 2-4 frames before it to really hone your skills.

It appears you are bronze brazing the joints. If that's the case, no titanium tube sets for you. You gotta TIG titanium.

As for droupouts, headsets, and bottom brackets, anyone who tells you they're hard to make (even out of titanium) is full of shit. Dropouts are a reasonably simple job on a manual mill, and headtubes and bottom brackets are cake on any quality screwcutting lathe. Hell, you could do 2D CAD drawings of the dropouts you want, get them cut at a laser, plasma, flame, or waterjet shop (i'd go with waterjet, as no slag or heat affected zone), and then just grind the parts that fit the tubes to fo

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Really nicely done. I like how simple you kept the design and fabrication. Glad to hear it works well, too.

For the next frame, I agree with rainsco, really focus on the geometry, and worry about weight and strength (and appearance) later. Just make the frame quick and junky to test the geometry. Then do another to tune it again. Don't make either of those to last (consider them prototypes). Once you think you have the geometry really nailed, go buy a titanium or steel tube set, get the miters done right, and do a good job. Then you'll have a kickass bike, tailored to you. And the fabrication quality will be good, because you will have had practice on 2-4 frames before it to really hone your skills.

It appears you are bronze brazing the joints. If that's the case, no titanium tube sets for you. You gotta TIG titanium.

As for droupouts, headsets, and bottom brackets, anyone who tells you they're hard to make (even out of titanium) is full of shit. Dropouts are a reasonably simple job on a manual mill, and headtubes and bottom brackets are cake on any quality screwcutting lathe. Hell, you could do 2D CAD drawings of the dropouts you want, get them cut at a laser, plasma, flame, or waterjet shop (i'd go with waterjet, as no slag or heat affected zone), and then just grind the parts that fit the tubes to fo

It's mig welded, im just a beast at smooth welds ha ha. And it seems youve got your head screwed on properly here, i think i will have to sort out the geo first then do a mint job on the final frame. I think i'll just use the bb etc... from another frame as i dont have access to milling equipment and whatnot. I've been doing everything in my garage at home with hand tools minus the disk cutter. I would love to make something like the GU ST frame but i cant see it being too strong without proper tools and equipment like milling stuff, but hey maybe one day......

Thanks for the support guys, really appreciated!

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It's mig welded, im just a beast at smooth welds ha ha. And it seems youve got your head screwed on properly here, i think i will have to sort out the geo first then do a mint job on the final frame. I think i'll just use the bb etc... from another frame as i dont have access to milling equipment and whatnot. I've been doing everything in my garage at home with hand tools minus the disk cutter. I would love to make something like the GU ST frame but i cant see it being too strong without proper tools and equipment like milling stuff, but hey maybe one day......

Thanks for the support guys, really appreciated!

And in 5 years when you're doing this for a living and earning a mint remember us lads on here who believed in you!!! ;)

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