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Air Rifles


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its purely for hunting

What quarry does a responsible shooter actually shoot with an air pistol??

EDIT: and before you use the old excuse of"I keep it as a side arm to finish off stuff that didnt drop with my first shot"

If your only wounding enough of your shots that you feel the need to carry something to finish them off with, I suggest you

a) finish them off with your rifle/or a rock


b ) re evaluate what your shooting, and from what distance.

Edited by Fish-Finger-er
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As far as im aware any air gun under 12ft/lb's doesnt require any licence and security. I have one and keep it in a rifle bag under my bed....


you dont have to have a gun licence untill you get into the Co2 powered guns.

is basically anything with extra power added (not sure how to explain it) that you have to have a licence for

Edited by Rob Brodie
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Middle of a field shooting animals.

If I had a facepalm picture I would upload.

I suggest you open a dictionary, and read the definitions of quarry. such as;

quarry[kwawr-ee, kwor-ee]

–noun, plural -ries.

1. an animal or bird hunted or pursued.

2. game, esp. game hunted with hounds or hawks.

3. any object of search, pursuit, or attack.

So, to repeat my original question

What varities/species and breeds of animals does a responsible shooter actually shoot with an air pistol??

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I dont, i shoot and then try and find them, if its a bird or w/e but with rubbish aiming it sucks.

But i have shot a sheep, i do not care what people think to be honest, i saw it and was interested to see what will happen, as im curious.

It was injured and i did find a rock to kill it with.

I only every carry a air pistol, as i do not own a rifle and donnot intend to, as the shere size will leave it redundant at home.

You sir, are what I like to call a "Grade A tit"

no animals are fair game with an air pistol really, no matter how powerful or illegal it is, It really is little kids like you, who dont know your arse from your elbow,walking round with ur pumped up plinkers thinking your something out of delta force giving the sport a bad name.

You shoot and then try to find them? are you saying your making shots with an air pistol at high distances, so you can't see where in the field the bird drops? or does it fly off for several minutes before finally actually dying, either way, I really suggest you do some reading on how to use what is actually a lethal weapon in a way that is vaguely responsible.

Edited by Fish-Finger-er
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You obviously dont. Shooting a sheep is just stupid, you probably just caused it a lot of pain, infection etc. Plus that sheep must of belonged to a farmer so not only are you damaging property and commiting cruelty to animals your probably trespassing and your out in public with a deadly weapon. Tit

Edited by Lawnmowerman
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Either edit your posts so they aren't proclaiming on a PUBLIC forum that you have an ILLEGAL firearm or face a suspension.

We won't tolerate such a blatant disregard of the law (doubly so for it being firearm related) on this forum by someone as seemingly irresponsible as you.

Soooo, prove it :P. its hidden well and away for my use only.

You've just announced it. The forum is backed up anyway even if you edit it now and the police can use your IP address to come knocking at your door for a thorough search/prosecution.

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Well in that case ill just edit all my posts.


I do own a air pistol with a licence also aswell, but never use it.

Strike that no i dont im an attention seeking 17 year old. Everything is and was a lie.

Edited by TROYston
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Why do we even tolerate twats like this on the forum? If anything you said was true you are a bellend and give the responsable shooters a bad name, we have enough trouble convincing people were not all lawless pricks that will shoot everything that moves without an idea of what were doing! And if you were lying then your still a bellend for well... lying!

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I was one click away from reporting you for this through the proper channels, the only reason I didn't was fear of damaging the credibility of this forum!

To try and take down any animal with an air pistol, espcially sheep is insane. Firstly, even at 7lb its underpowered. Secondly you'd never get close enough to place a clean shot on anything.

Your sick.

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Wow, I see this thread went downhill quickly....

Fishfingerdude, you at least seem to know something about the subject. I'm not sure if the law is different here (my profile says Down because I have just moved back to NI, but I worked in Aberdeenshire until very recently) in Scotland, I have to admit that whilst I keep several air rifles, for field sports (hunter field target, rarely pest control) and an air pistol, for 10m range shooting, I no longer hold a firearms licence myself. I'm not the gamekeeper, and I no longer shoot at a club, so I have no need to, and if you have no need to, in my opinion, you shouldn't have one. All my airguns are simply set at the legal limit, should I wish to compete again. You're more than likely right about it being hard to get a licence if you have no need for one, I simply meant that if you do have a legitimate reason for owning a rifle, it's a better option than an airgun, which on the whole is not a humane manner of dealing with live quarry. But from experience, learning to shoot properly is a worthwhile experience, should you have any interest in hunting or target shooting. And it's come in handy for me, working on the Estate gave me the opportunity to shoot game and to go stalking. As I said, I keep airguns for sport now. And they are great fun when used responsibly.

I've missed most of this topic now, it's all been edited, but from what I did see, mention of a legally overpowered pistol and some claim about shooting a sheep.... Wow, I'm not sure what to think now. There's a good reason that the law has changed so much in recent years regarding use of air rifles and firearms in general, and it's because of people like that. You're the people that are ruining the reputation of responsible gun owners. And giving shooting sports a bad name. I'm actually pretty sad having seen this, I was pretty enthused having seen someone on here wanting advice on the sport, but it's unvieled a bunch of people who clearly know very little, are irresponsible, and has generally backed up the legislative changes of recent years that until now I thought to be unreasonable.

To the guy who initially asked the question (I apologise, I've forgotten your name); if you want advice on this subject i suggest you contact one of the sane people who have commented thus far (Brisa and Fishfingerer seem to fall into that category, again apologies to the few others who have offered genuine advice), but more importantly I'd advise you speak to a representative at your local rifle club. They will be happy to help you make an informed decision on purchasing a rifle and give you professional advice on its use. I've had a quick look online and this is the first oen that came up based in Suffolk (that's where your profile says you're from right?) http://www.hadleighrifleclub.co.uk/hrc2geninf.htm .

This thread ought to be closed now.

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Think what you want about me, i donot care.

I ride, and enjoy it, its a TRIALS-forum. but

Think ill get rid of my bike, gun, and join the army.

Alternatively just get rid of your shitty wreckless attitude. the fact that you say its a trials forum doesnt give you grace to be a complete tool about other aspects of life and expect not to get backlash from it.

your saying it like because you ride trials and dont really care what we think of you, that it means we cant pass comment on you being a dickhead. I know if somewhere like airgun-bbs etc got eyes on this thread, thered be a topic on there, and a bunch of sh*tty comment about this forum, and danny and tom would be getting emails asking for your IP etc, as someone on there would take it upon themselves(and quite rightly so) to report it to the authorties.

also, sam, another forum worth checking out(again like airgun bbs you have to be signed up to see the for sale section) is the UK falconry forum, theres a fair bit of gunsales on there(which moves at a slower pace than airgun bbs) but as its not there for purely for airgunners, you occasionally get absolute bargains on there from people selling expensive rifles theyve never really used as theyre predominantly into hunting with the hawk.

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  • 6 months later...

A silencer on a 12ft/lb .22 is just pointless. i put one on ours and it was no quieter. If your using something 40ft/lb + fair enough, but its overkill on anything smaller.

It does work, if it's on a springer then you won't notice the difference as the mech is firing next to your ear, but further down range it makes a big difference, even if you can't here it. And if you use a Weihrauch silencer, all the better.

Pretty much took the words out my mouth....

Second hand s200s are about £300 without a scope. so with a budget of £200 with a decent scope, don't think that'll do.

I would go for a spring powered one as the co2 powered ones I have never been quite as powerful, also if you are going to be shooting pest i would go for a .22 rifle and use pointed pellets not round nosed ones.

But for target practise dome head or flat head pellts can be fun, or if you can get hold of them hollew tipped pellets or the ones with a plastic spike on the tip are really nice to shoot with.

Co2 is rubbish, Pre-charged are amazing, and springers are amazing. Vermin shooting really needs a good dome headed pellet, Anything else isn't up to the job. Pointed pellets are good on Pigeons and that's about it.

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It does work, if it's on a springer then you won't notice the difference as the mech is firing next to your ear, but further down range it makes a big difference, even if you can't here it. And if you use a Weihrauch silencer, all the better.

Second hand s200s are about £300 without a scope. so with a budget of £200 with a decent scope, don't think that'll do.

Co2 is rubbish, Pre-charged are amazing, and springers are amazing. Vermin shooting really needs a good dome headed pellet, Anything else isn't up to the job. Pointed pellets are good on Pigeons and that's about it.

You post too much. Stop digging up old threads.

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