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Just had a look over the group in facebook, it's some pretty interesting reading...by interesting I mean narrowminded and retarded.

Seems to be full of racist retards.

I know it's only facebook and whatever, but it annoys me when people try and develop an argument against something by starting with 'Allah is gay' or 'Allah is a peadophile' and it really annoys me when one person says 'we don't want you here'.

When did I turn into we?


Interesting though that the retard claiming we don't want those forgein 'f**kers' in this country, is a chelsea fan...a club managed by an Italian, owned by a Russian and were only 8 of the 33 squad are British!?

Edited by anzo
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The Human Rights Act 1998 gives them every right to do it through Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights, and why not? If you start taking away certain people's liberties then it establishes a precedent for the government to clamp down in other areas and they certainly don't need any encouragement (esp with the f**king Tories on the way in). They're already breaching plenty of the articles of the European Convention on Human Rights for reasons of 'national security'; lets not give them any reason to further that.

Secondly, we've gone into their country for a f**king oil pipeline at the cost of thousands of their lives. I think they've got every right to protest.

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Civilians who have died as part of these wars (Iraq and Afganistan) deserve to be remembered; In some ways more so than our soldiers. The powers that be have sent our military out to fight in these countries and casualties are to be expected. I'm pretty sure that if you were to ask any serviceman or woman going out there, they would not be as naive to think that they aren't going to be in harm's way? And yet a lot of the country seems to think we should go to these places and have zero deaths...

However, civilians in these countrys have had no choice in being thrown into a conflict, and I think we need to remember that. So from that point of view the march is a good idea in my mind. The location is perhaps rather controversal (and possibly chosen because of that in order to bring it to the attention of everyone) which is why there's so much of a storm going on about it.

Regardless of any "hidden agendas" of the group organising the march, I do, in principal agree with its sentiment of remembering innocent civilians who have died in these conflicts. I also feel that honouring our soldier who have died in the line of duty is a tradition that we should continue.

On a side note, I have noticed that a lot of people get outraged at Islamic people calling our soliders "murderers, child killers, etc", and whilst this is uncalled for, isn't it pretty much the same as a lot of British people calling Islamic people terrorists etc? There are a lot of double standards in people's opinions these days...

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I agreee with the innocent people that have lost their lives in this war deserve to be remembered, location maybe a bit of a bad move but there you go.

I personally get fed up with the way every time one of our lads die out there they are automatically called a hero??? I mean im sorry but was is heroic about drying along and getting killed by a road side bomb? dont get me wrong i give them respect but i think the word hero is used to much a hero would of been the one who died to save the rest of his service men with him that day.

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I personally get fed up with the way every time one of our lads die out there they are automatically called a hero??? I mean im sorry but was is heroic about drying along and getting killed by a road side bomb? dont get me wrong i give them respect but i think the word hero is used to much a hero would of been the one who died to save the rest of his service men with him that day.

Its an interesting and fair point. We instantly assume people in a uniform are heros, defending our country and protecting our freedom. However there is a little praise for firefighters, police officers and medical crews who risk their lives every day.

Classing someone as a hero instantly raises them - sure, we do respect them, its a difficult job, and whilst they are capible of heroic deeds, they're not instantly gained. Look at the stories of soilders raping women, killing innocent people, torturing people...if they were to die the next day would they be called heros?

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Its an interesting and fair point. We instantly assume people in a uniform are heros, defending our country and protecting our freedom. However there is a little praise for firefighters, police officers and medical crews who risk their lives every day.

Classing someone as a hero instantly raises them - sure, we do respect them, its a difficult job, and whilst they are capible of heroic deeds, they're not instantly gained. Look at the stories of soilders raping women, killing innocent people, torturing people...if they were to die the next day would they be called heros?

For me, the heroes are the men and women who go to work, get crap pay despite high levels of training, worse hours, assaulted, suffer constant risk of infection, no occupational liberties such as the right to strike and the only reward they get is the constant slander towards to institution they work for. In case you're not sure, I'm referring to nurses and HCAs.

Don't get me wrong, being a soldier is obviously a tough job and of course there are many brave and heroic soldiers and although the nation may not agree with where/why they are fighting, the nation does justly maintain the support they need. I wish the same could be said about nurses and HCA's.

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...if they were to die the next day would they be called heros?

Of course they would - in the same way that Jade Goody got a media makeover from the retard she was to some kind of cancer queen. Newspapers try their best to try and not upset their readers and as such often find themselves having escalate things - such as over reporting every new death in great detail and rendering the man a hero.

I can agree with marching for, and honoring civilian casualties but I am against Islam4UK's motives. The BBC article has a quote

[it is] totally unacceptable to honour servicemen" who had contributed "directly or indirectly" to the deaths of "well over 100,000 Muslims in Afghanistan in the last 8 years

And to me that shows they have a misplaced idea of how important Islam and Muslim views are in Britain and they want their march to cause maximum offense. And with that, I would happily tell them to f**k off.

Edited by ManxTrialSpaz
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I can understand that, my cousin is in the Army too and it is horrible (we're very close, more best mates than family).

Although nobody is saying that they're not respected in their job, it is difficult, it is challenging and most of the population couldn't handle even the training for it. It's not about disrespecting the forces, it's acknowledging that there are some more unsung heroes more worthy of such a title.

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Although nobody is saying that they're not respected in their job, it is difficult, it is challenging and most of the population couldn't handle even the training for it. It's not about disrespecting the forces, it's acknowledging that there are some more unsung heroes more worthy of such a title.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

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I read that news story and I can honestly say it doesn't bother me.

You always see on the news of "the latest person to die at war". I don't want to come across cold hearted but....I don't care. They signed up to the army, they went to war, surprise surprise some UK people died. You never hear of how many Iraq people die. If the UK people expect processions for their dead, whats the problem with Iraq people wanting to do the same?

Unless I missed the point completely and they want a procession for the talibal fighters?

your really are a arrangant nobhead. and are you actully joking in there own country then yes, but not ours. and they are not having a procession for there dead they are promoting islam laws in the uk.

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Personally, I've got more respect for the Armed forces in this country than just about any other job/trade, but thats just me. I also think they're more than entitled to there march but doing it in Wooton Bassetts just asking for trouble, I wouldn't be atall surprised if theirs some form of riot/blood shed. Take for example, July last year when 5 soldiers were killed in a day and they came back, there was a very small percentage of Muslims went to protest and i believe 7 people (3 of which were muslims i ....?), were arrested.

I don't think kicking of and causing troubles going to do jack shit apart from give the armed forces an even worse name. My opinion is leave them to it, if so many people are so angry about it then they've won, might aswell just ignore it and let them have there fun.

You've got to respect there perseverance, i wouldn't have the balls to parade something like that in a place like Wooton Bassett.

Edited by Adam-Griffin
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Says who? The Daily Mail? The Sun?

You believe all that do you?

If you're happy to read a newspaper and then quote it as the truth then you're the fool.



are they good enough for you + what else do you wont us to believe?

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It's f**king ridiculous. Ofcourse our soldiers should be honoured for losing their lives in battle. The fact that this group see it as "totally unacceptable" infurates me. If they want to honour the Muslims that have been killed they can do it in their own country.

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I think you've missed the point, it's not about what Mike, The mail, The sun, The express or whatever media wants us to believe it's about making an accurate opinion of it based on what you believe, no one else.

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So they have to plan it by writing for permission? And...

To date there had been no contact from Islam4UK or any other group wishing to arrange such a march in Wootton Bassett," the spokeswoman added.

So is it basically just some people on a forum talking about doing it and someone's found out and thought it newsworthy?

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Islam4UK, a platform for the global front Al-Muhajiroun, would like to announce the launch of a momentous march that is scheduled to take place in the following weeks, details of which will be released shortly inshaa'allah (God willing).

The destination of this very special event is the small market town of Wootton Bassett, located 6 miles Southwest of Swindon, in northern Wiltshire; Wootton Bassett, is currently famous for its public mourning processions held in memory of British soldiers killed whilst on military service in Afghanistan; coffins containing the dismembered bodies of these soldiers are usually draped in union jack flags and driven through the town centre from RAF Lyneham, as a tribute to their ‘sacrifice'.

The proposed march by members of Islam4UK is however of a very different venture, held not in memory of the occupying and merciless British military, but rather the real war dead who have been shunned by the Western media and general public as they were and continue to be horrifically murdered in the name of Democracy and Freedom - the innocent Muslim men, women and children.

It is quite extraordinary, that with well over 100,000 Muslims killed in Afghanistan in the last 8 years that those military serviceman who have directly or indirectly contributed to their death are paraded as war heroes and moreover honoured for what is ultimately genocide.

We at Islam4UK find this totally unacceptable and as a result have decided to launch the ‘Wootton Bassett March' to highlight the real casualties of this brutal Crusade.

If you would like more information about the ‘Wootton Bassett March' or are Muslim and would like to take part in it please contact the following numbers:

General Enquiries: 07961 577 221

Media Enquiries: 07956 600 569

Thats official, taken from the cached site.

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