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Ben John-Hynes

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  Ben John-Hynes said:

Possible to bleed a maggie with GT85? Water will freeze, antifreeze/water won't be any good forr the seals. Hate the feel of oil.


Meh, I've been running water for past 2 weeks, its been freezing up here, and my brake hasn't frozen.

What do you normally bleed with?

EDIT: I forgot, I run braided hosing, so that probably helps a lot.

Edited by DannyBazz (:
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Check out wiki or google gt85/wd40. I'm pretty sure they're 80% or so solvent and a little bit oil. The solvent is designed to be very "thin" (low viscosity) and "wettable" (spreads out over surfaces) and is possibly non-polar so that it displaces water. I've never used it but my hunch would be that you may have trouble with it leaking out and losing its volume. Also I'm not sure how well the solvent would take the pressure and may gas off in warmer/high pressure situations.

I could be very wrong though

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I would say anything with nasty solvents (stuff that tends to smell nice like gt85) shouldn't be used in a magura. They are a mineral oil brake and the seals won't take kindly to petrolium based products.

We had magura technical guy over giving us a rundown on the forks and brakes tech for 2010 last month and I asked him about the water in a magura thing. He said it would not damage the seals it just wouldn't offer them any lubrication. If you were to rebuild your master and slaves giving a coat of silicone lube on the seals then bleed with water you will have a nice feeling brake that should move freely for a long time.

Not sure what you could add to stop it freezing that won't play havoc with the seals but I have been running water in maguras and ridden on some silly cold days without any issue.

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