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Happy New Yaer Resolutions Stuff


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new year all !!

its about 8 pm here right now, so 4 am for you guys i think.

i decided to not bother drinking alcohol on new years eve.. that was 5 year ago.

and im proud of that.

it has caused me to....

save huge amounts of money

realise that a room full of people really shouldnt need to be drunk to get to know each other.

get up early and ride if i want to after being out late.

have alot more confidence knowing i dont need it

have some fukin awasome late night drives !!

its also saved me from sleeping with people i would regret in the morning, haha.

this year i have nothing, im happy with life, im gonna make an effort to eat a little less sweet things.

i have a tendancy to eat really really healthy all the time, but then go mental and OD on choc covered raisins or sumthing every few weeks.

here are some things that i really wanted to do. and hope to do this year... (some iv already done)

swim in a frozen lake- - - - ( did this last week whilst on a hike)

swim in the ocean when it has ice in it - ( i hope to do this new years day !)

kayak or raft to a small island from where im living now, and sleep there.

sleep in a snow hole (again)

kill an animal by myself without cheating with a gun ,gut it,cut it,cook it and eat it

cut down a MASSIVE tree , chop it up and then split it all with a big axle into fire wood, by myself ( did this on boxing day :) )

build some kinda hut /den out of stuff in the forest near where i work, and get rid of my van and live there. (again this is just to be cheap ! haha)

try trials busking

travel south for so long that i run out of land ( not sure how realistic that is ! )

jump on a freight train

eat roadkill (hahaha)

at some point toward the end of next year, end up traveling with no vehicle, and only a few possessions that will fit into a small rucksack.

im blabbering. and seeming very strange. hmm

happy new year everyone


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i can touch my toes !!!!! haha that was a good night, roasted pigeon and all !


well i swam in the freezing canadian sea today, my tolerance has changed quite a bit, i actually managed to swim around and stay in for about 10 mins. went in 3 times.

so thats hat done !

and the killing sumthing to eat plan is going well. made a 4ft wide crossbow at work. :)

and got plans to build a small boat that i can keep on my van roof. haha.


Edited by IOLO
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