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That is an awesome bit of shopping!

I think as numbers go up it gets cheaper to have takeaways like if there is four of you and only one person is paying (home cooked) it is definately cheaper to buy a takeaway indian than cook one from scratch, discounting the jars of so called 'Korma' and such like.

My weekly food bill for four of us is about £120ish add the electric and it's a bit more but I could quite easily be doing something wrong I have never been good at shopping.

The tesco deals are very good. They quite often do bulk discounts and reductions for things say if you spend over £10 on fresh meat they give you a 20% reduction on it etc. £2 per pack of 3 chicken breasts, £10 on those and you've got 15 chicken breasts for £8. Thats chicken breasts for half the week for all 4 of you for just £8. Dice it up and you can add it to the 86p jars of sweet and sour sauce (you'll need two jars for 4 people) and add it to rice, which is cheap as hell anyway and you've got a meal for 4 thats worked out at around £3-4 to make.

£120 is a MASSIVE budget for one week, even for four of you. If you were careful with what you bought you could probably halve it and feed all for for over a week at a time. EDIT: Assuming you have a bare kitchen, i've got most of it for 2 weeks minus a few little bits like milk butter and bread.


I still think asda is the cheapest, although there isn't one nearby for me :(


Shhhhhh you! :P

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ive been recently been buying the shopping for me and my gf (this is without my work lunch) and i usually spend around 20 quid a week on food which does me and her fine, and its all pasta, pasta sauce, cous cous, bacon, eggs, milk, juice, beef, rice and them pies in tins yummy

with take aways it depends where you go as well i.e. i spend

kfc- 15

chinese- 20

keebab- 10

fish and chips- free

pizza 10

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I had £37 worth of shopping delivered last week, which will last me at least until the 29th when I get paid again. That's me buying stuff which will interest me to cook and eat for the month too. So for the price of 4 takeaways, I've got about 30 meals.

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an added benifit if you cook your own food is that your heart might not stop from cholesterol build up.

seriously cooking for your self is massively cheaper, healthier and more convenient.

our household shopping bill is about 40-80 quid for 4 people and we hardly ever eat out (student funds are tight)

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I think somebody mentioned it, but living life as a freegan really isnt all that bad (not that ive done it).

Just make sure that you wear cloves and old clothes when picking things out of the bins. Marks & Spencer cover the food in the bins with blue die.

Tuesday student night out, on the way back to halls, de tour past M&S and your sorted.

not that ive done it
Edited by Ross McArthur
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I think somebody mentioned it, but living life as a freegan really isnt all that bad (not that ive done it).

Just make sure that you ware cloves and old clothes when picking things out of the bins. Marks & Spencer cover the food in the bins with blue die.

Tuesday student night out, on the way back to halls, de tour past M&S and your sorted.

Don't blame ye pal. The amount of stuff with little bit of damage our place throws out is stupid!

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indeed where i work we had to go wasting-

-£80 of creme egg's last year as it was discontinued and couldn't be stored for the following year.

-£40 of lemonade which had a safety recall for bursting -(we threw most of them in the air and they did explode though)

-£500 frozen chicken (some twat left it in the stock lift, it was about 2 degrees air temp, so it just defrosted like it would in the fridge, nothing wrong with it but can't be re-frozen so in the bin it went)

-loads of other crap i can't remember, but we bin approx 10-20 quid of bread past sell by date almost daily (its only one friggin day!!)

Edited by shamus
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