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Christmas Present Thread.

Mission Prodigy Trials.

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your such a tool, ur just bitter cos u get jack shit for xmas and feel the need to moan at any one that does.

get the f**k over it and go and sit in the corner and grumble

Lol, I'm 25, a bit old to be showered with gifts. Anyway, I got loads of little things that I need but can never be arsed to buy so actually I'm not bitter at all.

I work full time so buy myself everything else.

Just get bored of these topics where spoilt kids get to boast about all the things they've been given - there's more to life than expensive posessions.

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If people boast about their presents, let them do it :S

Doesn't affect you unles you're jealous, surely? Might be proud of what they got?

I dunno...

You don't need to be jealous, not if your problem is with the boasting rather than the content of the boasting.

I'd be perfectly happy getting nothing for xmas (I asked my girlfriend to not buy me anything, and that's what I'm sure she's done - perfect!), but I still find it nauseating that we have these rundowns of presents, like when people give a detailed audit of the drinks they had after a night out. Lists of presents, or lists of drinks - they shouldn't be needed to illustrate a good time.

And I know, I don't have to read this or reply, but I'm waiting for cake to be served!

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And this little bundle of ironic items -


Nice one mum (Y)

I hate to be 'that guy'...but





Sorry :P

incidentally, this was my prezzie to myself

EDIT: The GTI's the present... soon to shame off my current faithful 1.4 205 :(

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Can't really complain...

Nice, I got one of them wrenches but a Hitachi 18V. Really chuffed, it's something I've wanted like crazy but could never get round to buying it.

Isn't yours the HT one with something like 400Nm of torque? What the hell will you be using that for? :P

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Nice, I got one of them wrenches but a Hitachi 18V. Really chuffed, it's something I've wanted like crazy but could never get round to buying it.

Isn't yours the HT one with something like 400Nm of torque? What the hell will you be using that for? :P

its the 400 odd one, same spec as the spanon, but about half the price. well I dont want my wheels falling off......

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