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Brake Oil For Hs33


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Here in Spain some people are talking about how much different is to bleed with shimano mineral brake oil than Magura royal blood. People said that shimano is more fluid than magura, "similar to water". And have all the benefits of water and all the benefits of brake oils to.

Anybody know something about that?

Here pic:


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Incredible opinion, thanks a lot for this.......... :sick:

Please, other intelligent views? (Y)

For a starter, antifreeze fluid is designed to be gentle with the cooling system in a car. The cooling system consist of a series of hoses, seals and so on. Now, the basis material for most types of seals, tubes and for example o-rings, is Polyurethane. So, antifreeze fluid will not break seals in any way.

When you talk about maintenance and security, what do you mean? I personally have experienced no more maintenance or less security whilst using oil. Also gives a very nice lever feel.

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Thanks a lot for comments.

Yes, maybe the difference between Maguras or Shimanos are minimum but it's just question to try shimanos to test if is it true, like ".mitch" that says that he don't feel the difference, one opinion against shimano moreover shimano liquid are to much expensive than magura.

In other hand, we always finalizing this kind of conversations talking about if is it water bad for seals.

I'm completely agree with bleed with antifreeze fluid, like says Jan Tore (now saying something more than "Craptalk", thank you) antifreeze have some properties like lubricant, don't leaves residues, antifreeze of course and others. To be more extreme I have one kind of antifreeze that is special designed for aluminium and magnesium engines, heritage of my old Beta Zero Gara, that i think that it must be even better in magura HS33 system. But still I'm not very confident with this solution, this is the reason because I'm searching for other options.

In theory, if you bleed with magura royal blood your system don't need maintenance unless you broke the line. This is the same for systems bleed with antifreeze?

Edited by 315r
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Have you ever used a water bleed? I've run water (pure tap water not even distilled) in my brakes for the past... 8 years? Never bother with any maintainence, never had any problem with seals, never use any antifreeze (bike's kept in my garage and never freezes) plus you get a really solid lever feel which has a much lighter action than maggy fluid. Win, win, win :D.

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Have you ever used a water bleed? I've run water (pure tap water not even distilled) in my brakes for the past... 8 years? Never bother with any maintainence, never had any problem with seals, never use any antifreeze (bike's kept in my garage and never freezes) plus you get a really solid lever feel which has a much lighter action than maggy fluid. Win, win, win :D .

Same here.

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Have you ever used a water bleed? I've run water (pure tap water not even distilled) in my brakes for the past... 8 years? Never bother with any maintainence, never had any problem with seals, never use any antifreeze (bike's kept in my garage and never freezes) plus you get a really solid lever feel which has a much lighter action than maggy fluid. Win, win, win :D.

No, I never used water bleed, but a lot of good opinions, like your, are making to me start to think about it... :$

For 8 years using water and no problems??? :o

Your opinion, and experience using water for 8 years, sounds very confident and makes me be more confident to do it.

And what about maintenance? How many times do you bleed your system in one year, for example?

Do you prefer pure water than antifreeze?

Thank you.

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No, I never used water bleed, but a lot of good opinions, like your, are making to me start to think about it... :$

For 8 years using water and no problems??? :o

Your opinion, and experience using water for 8 years, sounds very confident and makes me be more confident to do it.

And what about maintenance? How many times do you bleed your system in one year, for example?

Do you prefer pure water than antifreeze?

Thank you.

My bike is in a garage that doesn't lock and has a broken window and i find my water bleed to work better when it is really cold. I'd say pure water, but Dave (monkeyseemonkeydo) works at TartyBikes so he probably knows better than me. (Y)

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No, I never used water bleed, but a lot of good opinions, like your, are making to me start to think about it... :$

For 8 years using water and no problems??? :o

Your opinion, and experience using water for 8 years, sounds very confident and makes me be more confident to do it.

And what about maintenance? How many times do you bleed your system in one year, for example?

Do you prefer pure water than antifreeze?

Thank you.

You might as well try- water's free (pretty much) after all! You can always rebleed with mineral oil if you don't like it.

Maintenance wise, I never bleed for the sake of it, only if I have the brake off because I'm painting my frame or replacing the TPA or something. I probably bleed it once a year if that.

I've never actually tried antifreeze. Because I've never had a problem with my brake freezing I don't think it's worth the risk of damaging seals with nasty chemicals so just run tap water.

Give it a go- you never know you might like it! :D

Dave (monkeyseemonkeydo) works at TartyBikes so he probably knows better than me. (Y)

I don't work there (if I did I probably couldn't advise you to run water because I imagine officially it voids warranty :P) I just ride for them :).

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You might as well try- water's free (pretty much) after all! You can always rebleed with mineral oil if you don't like it.

Maintenance wise, I never bleed for the sake of it, only if I have the brake off because I'm painting my frame or replacing the TPA or something. I probably bleed it once a year if that.

I've never actually tried antifreeze. Because I've never had a problem with my brake freezing I don't think it's worth the risk of damaging seals with nasty chemicals so just run tap water.

Give it a go- you never know you might like it! :D

I don't work there (if I did I probably couldn't advise you to run water because I imagine officially it voids warranty :P) I just ride for them :).


Well, because my bike is still under warranty maybe i left the magura royal blood in it until warranty expire, or something happen like break the line or similar.

Then, for sure, I try to bleed with distilled water, no antifreeze, no other liquids because you have lot's of reason, antifreeze have a lots of chemicals that can damage seals.

Distilled water! You convinced me!!!

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I've only found water helps when the Magura is old and the pistons get a bit stiffer. A new Magura with fresh oil bleed feels just as good (to me) and snappy as a water bleed. But then you could always give the Magura a full on service to get it back to new performance.

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I've only found water helps when the Magura is old and the pistons get a bit stiffer. A new Magura with fresh oil bleed feels just as good (to me) and snappy as a water bleed. But then you could always give the Magura a full on service to get it back to new performance.

I've done it with brand new brakes as well as older one's and it always improves the lever 'lightness' and feel.

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