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I dont know if i am allowed to post stuff like this on here but oh well i've done it anyway.

As above why is it illegal it really does not cause that much of a problem.

Out of someone that is pissed and someone that is stoned who is going to cause more of a problem.

It could be because of health but alcohol f**cks people up just as bad or even worse.

This might be a stupid topic but i just want some answers.

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Really i hate how every thing in the the uk and the other major country's has to revolve around money which is paper and metal.

Some people might say its a good thing but it just causes problems.

I am aware of the the negitive effects but there is negitve effect to everything nowdays.

We should be given a choice but the goverment just controll us i hate it.

Bloody hell in in a ranting mood today.

Edited by MMMM-JASON
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Really i hate how every thing in the the uk and the other major country's has to revolve around money which is paper and metal.

Some people might say its a good thing but it just causes problems.

I am aware of the the negitive effects but there is negitve effect to everything nowdays.

We should be given a choice but the goverment just controll us i hate it.

Bloody hell in in a ranting mood today.

You do have a choice. You have a choice whether to live legally or illegally. Exactly the same as the choice you have whether you respect the fact that murder is against the law.

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Yeah theyre are a lot of negatives with it but theyre is also a hell of a lot of positives to it aswell. The main one being its proven use in medicinal purposes for multipul ilnesses. Also it is shown to help rebuild/repair brain cells that are damaged through strokes. It all depends on how it is consumed/used. Obviously a lot of the time it is used with tabaco but you can get a vapouriser so you eliminate that problem there. Also on the plus it can/could be used to make green fuels (no pun intented) I read quite a long articule on it a while ago, if i can find it again il post the link.

It could also be very taxable to the point where it could massivly boost this countrys econmy and cut crime, as a lot of crime is cannabis related. Think if the goverment legilised it farmers could grow it/ open factorys legally, make lots of job openings all over the country. You could gaurentee what you are getting also the strengths can be monitered and marked up like alcohole, it would save the NHS thousends of pounds a year as the cannabis suppliment or what ever it is the give to people for MS and the likes cost around £9000 per person per year. To have a correst set up to grow it yourself costs around £250 for a low level personal user. You can make it cheaper if you want but thats a reasonable amount.

So yeah im a fairly pro cannabis person myself, obviously going to be people here who completly disagree with me.

So yeah i think in the long run legalising would do a lot of good.

Waiting for the whole mental health issue to come up. It mostly affects people who are more substainable to mental health problems if that makes sense ?

Also to add another point here it is completely natural its probably been on this planet longer then humans in some form or another, yet it is ilegal to grow ( try telling mother nature that)

It has been used longer then alcohole has been around yet where alcohol was made legal so long ago it is publicly accepted as part of most peoples lifes and cultures. If they discovered / invented alcohole now there is not even the slightest chance it would ever be made legal as it really is bad. Look at the amount of alcohol realted deaths a year compaired to cannabis related there are bairly any cannabis alone realted deaths in a year, violence on a night out would be a lot lower as you just wouldnt be bothered, but instead pikeys get the testosterone flowing and feel the need to batter inocent people if they had had a few smokes they wouldn't do that.

Ps im sorry for my spelling spell checker doesnt work on my work pc.

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If cigarettes/beer weren't already so ingrained into our culture, they would probably be illegal too or it might be the other way round. But as far as I see it it's illegal cos, although a lot of stuff s bad for you, they don't want to allow more stuff that's gonna mess you up. Drugs like this cause more strain on NHS and also cause a less productive workforce (which means shitter economy) as they can cause schizophrenia and generally turn people into idiots, not to mention the side effect of laziness so making green legal wouldn't really make sense in alot of ways for the government (although no doubt it would in some).

But at the end of the day, who really cares? Is it gonna stop you blazing? How many people even know the different classes of the drugs they take? We already do enough illegal stuff without even giving it a second thought so I think it should more be about the actual effects of the substance rather than the legality of it that encourages each person to decide either way, for themselves. People need to stop being pampered so much and learn to think for themselves, although morally, sometimes and learn to take the law with a pinch of salt.

Edited by Max Quinn
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In certain parts of spain it is legal and you can legally have 2 plants per house, in some areas any way. Over here less then 1/8th is calssed as personal use and will be confiscated in the streets, if its in your own home i think its slightly different and would depend on the situation. Obviously if the police show up and theres loads of you sitting there blazed carrying the limit for personal use each it will be taken. If they pop round for any reason and its just maybe you and one other with a little bit each they will probably turn a bilnd eye as it isnt worth theyre time.

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You do have a choice. You have a choice whether to live legally or illegally. Exactly the same as the choice you have whether you respect the fact that murder is against the law.

That's hardly a fair analogy. It's a completely different choice, with completely different consequences. It also misses the point of whether cannabis should or shouldn't be illegal. We don't have to respect laws that don't neccesarily make sense or are unhealthy in some sense. Although, I'm not making any statements about if cannabis should or shouldn't be illegal. The point is that a choice should exist whereby laws can be changed with respect to public feeling about a given law. Our choice shouldn't be limited to simply obeying or disobeying a law. Doing so suggests a submission that's not very democratic.


The long term effects of Canabis use are far greater than alcohol. Haven't you seen the adverts?!

I'd be wary of drug propaganda, unless you meant that as a form of irony? Seeing that "FRANK" claims to be unbiased and objective, their adverts are nothing of the sort. If they were, they might also include the positive effects of recreational drug use.

With reference to what I think is a more reliable source, the most presitigious medical journal in the world (correct me if I'm wrong), The Lancet, had a drugs report showing cannabis to be less harmful than both alcohol and tobacco.

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If your gonna smoke it, please please dont smoke it everyday.

This man makes a valid point, like alcohol the amount of people that drink daily is scary high. Its like anything people need to have some self restraint and moderation.

please find a link below about medical uses.

There is a better one on helping patients after a stroke but i cant find it atm this is just a breif summary.


A breif summary of how it could help people who suffer with MS although they do need to alow a lot more research into this feild.


Cannabis use specifically for medical purpose is quite a strong subject for me as i have family etc with issues that are helped by it and have seen first hand the effect it has on my Aunties MS.

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I'd be wary of drug propaganda, unless you meant that as a form of irony? Seeing that "FRANK" claims to be unbiased and objective, their adverts are nothing of the sort. If they were, they might also include the positive effects of recreational drug use.

No Irony intended, maybe just a bit of humour. But they're never going to indicate any of the (questionable) positive effects that are they?! At the end of the day it's bad for you and illegal...

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If your gonna smoke it, please please dont smoke it everyday.

I dont mind people smoking but it´s when thats all they do it pisses me off especially if your the only one that doesnt smoke. In Barcelona practically everyone smokes i remeber when we went paintballing it was like 8 in the morning and we were waiting for the coach everybody was smoking!! and then all day inbetween matches and at lunch time everybody smoking again there obsesed with it!

In one of my old flats my flatmate was growing loads of it in the kitchen and he used to smoke everyday, he was so agressive when he didnt smoke and got into a temper about anything, the house stank aswell.

It can´t be good for you to smoke it all the time i mean i drink but not everyday maybe once a week or something.

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I dont mind people smoking but it´s when thats all they do it pisses me off especially if your the only one that doesnt smoke. In Barcelona practically everyone smokes i remeber when we went paintballing it was like 8 in the morning and we were waiting for the coach everybody was smoking!! and then all day inbetween matches and at lunch time everybody smoking again there obsesed with it!

In one of my old flats my flatmate was growing loads of it in the kitchen and he used to smoke everyday, he was so agressive when he didnt smoke and got into a temper about anything, the house stank aswell.

It can´t be good for you to smoke it all the time i mean i drink but not everyday maybe once a week or something.

Again moderation and self control.

Look at achoholics when they dont drink they are horrible most of the time, then when they drink they are worse most of the time. Again i know first hand from family, my step nan and one of my godmother are both alcoholics. I cant stand them.

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No Irony intended, maybe just a bit of humour. But they're never going to indicate any of the (questionable) positive effects that are they?! At the end of the day it's bad for you and illegal...

Well, I'd suggest that just calling it "bad" and "illegal" as the end argument for drugs completely skims over the complexities of the situation. I do certianly think that there are problems with drugs but I also think that drugs, like cannabis, can have something to offer people. I happen to think that the expansion of self and environmental awareness and the stimulation of laughter, feeling happy, etc. that arises from cannabis is quite healthy. Obviously some people, a small minority I might add, have a predisposition to cannabis that will not make it healthy but providing it is used sensibly by the majority, like alcohol or driving a car, that harm can be minimal and a worthy sacrifice for the positives that are offered.

It's easy not to understand what drugs might offer when you haven't tried them. That's no criticism, just an observation.

We always seems to disagree about everything, Dave :rolleyes:

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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We always seems to disagree about everything, Dave :rolleyes:

Hehe :P.

The way I see it, avoiding the 'mind altering' side of substances (which I'm just not interested in at all), you're left with something which is used in a social way- as you say "expansion of self and environmental awareness and the stimulation of laughter, feeling happy, etc." which is something which some people don't need drugs (or alcohol) to acheive.

And Ash- alcohol tends not to cause major psychological episodes including hallucinations, paranoia, anxiety, confusion and can lead to depression and schizonphrenia in extreme cases (though don't quote me on that). It's also consumed into the lungs usually with tobacco which also means you're f**king up your long term health, fitness and lungs regardless of the effect of the drug itself.

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Hehe :P.

The way I see it, avoiding the 'mind altering' side of substances (which I'm just not interested in at all), you're left with something which is used in a social way- as you say "expansion of self and environmental awareness and the stimulation of laughter, feeling happy, etc." is something which some people don't need drugs (or alcohol) to acheive.

And Ash- alcohol tends not to cause major psychological episodes including hallucinations, paranoia, anxiety, confusion and can lead to depression and schizonphrenia in extreme cases (though don't quote me on that).

Alcohol can, but doesn't have to with respect to moderation, cause damage to every (?) vital organ in the body. Cannabis can, but doesn't have to with respect to moderation for the majority, cause those psychological effects you mentioned.

The trouble is, until you've seen things differently with drugs or perhaps you've have some sort of mystical/spiritual insight, it's difficult to appreciate how differently you can see the world and how greatly that can effect your well being, increasing it considerably above the current 'normality'. I can laugh and feeling happy without drugs but your can enter more deeply into those things with drugs. I subscribe, with reference to both spiritual/mystical and drug experiences that reality offers much more appealing states of being that what we typically all start with when we enter into this world. I accept how much of a nonsense this can seem because what I say seems so abstract. It can't be pointed to so it's easy to deny. Nevermind.

I will admit that the benefits are however a bit unstable with drugs but at least they offer you a glimpse of how you can be. I barely use cannabis anymore but it definitely fulfilled a great purpose in my life at one point. Meditation and yoga I now prefer as a means of developing my well being and awareness.

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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Living in Canada taught me a fair bit about smoking weed. Started off keen as anything but got sick of the overall "mellow" feeling it had on me, I'd much rather be on a "Hyper" high than a mellow/downer. Anyways, I dont mind anyone smoking weed one bit, like all thngs, done in moderation it can be a super good time, good to chill out or whatever, but at the same time I my best friends out here, smoke it day in day out every 4 or 5 hours of the day, these guys literally cant function without smoking, they get edgey, angry and just arnt nice people when there "sobre" soon as they blaze up again there the nicest most hospitable/welcoming/friendly group of people I've met. They all have shit short term memorys aswell.

Again, I dont picture it as a bad thing at all, actually quite like it, just like all things that f**k you up, needs to be done in moderation.

P.S. I just had a thought, why isnt there a stigma against people that smoke weed every day compared to people that are alcoholics or whatever? I know smoking weed is looked down upon in general socitey but if you have even the slightest clue most people dont give a shit.

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Probably because it triggers (some) people going clinically batshit crazy.

Give it a few years and you'll probably see for yourself, either you or someone you know.

Not necessarily yes if you smoke it day in day out your gonna end up a bit f**ked up, But its the same with doing most things day in day out but if you pace your self by only smoking it occasionally like drinking at the weekend and just having a good time as long as exersise and just generley look after your self it could just make you life that bit more fun.

I really do hate it when people assume if you smoke weed or take drugs then you are wasting your life yes in some cases this is true but only if you make it a habbit and let it control your life. I know quite alot of peole that take drugs and they are doing fine in life because they dont put drugs first if you do that then your going to fail, Thats how alot of drug related crime haens but it is never because of weed its mostly all the time because of drugs like smack and crack properly addictive drugs ,Cannabis it self is not an physically addictive drug if someone thinks they are addicted to it then its all in their head.

Well there my view any way.

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