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Dietry Stuff


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There's some thing I've been mulling over lately. I'm fairly 'fit' in an endurance exercise kind of way, but I've always completely ignored the nutrition side except for "carbs during the day, protein in the evening" rule.

I'm now starting to think about what's going in and out of my body and thought maybe this could be a place for discussion on the topic.

The first thing that got me thinking is fairly crude, but I'm talking about it in a purely scientific way unlike some other jokey threads on the subject:

I eat a ton, and never feel full up for long. I always assumed this was because I was using up what I was putting in. But I have 2 (sometimes more) LARGE shits every day and it got me thinking about things. Would this mean that I am actually just filling my stomach up with crap my body doesn't need? Would I be fuller for longer, and also excrete less (not that that matters, we all enjoy a good dump), if I put in exactly what it needed?

Taking that point to the extreme, if it was possible to just put in exactly what your body was going to use would you poo at all?

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whats your diet like, what food do you eat. alot of carbs or fatty foods.. what are you trying to do, loose the podge, gain some muscle definition or just be healthy.

Typical days intake is:


2 Slices toast with marmite


A sandwich and pasta salad from Tesco or one of their Spag Bol/Lasange ready meals, probably packet of crisps and occasional bit of chocolate


It'll either be something really protein based, or more pasta if I'm skint

Snacks will be either a pack of biscuits during the day, or a pack of pistachio nuts.

Drinks will be 2 cups of coffee, and about 5/6 litres of water. Then there's the alcohol, enough to be drunk most evenings.

I work out 4 times a week (most of that will be boxing based), and run most days. So I should be burning shit off, but I guess the pre packed stuff is doing me no favours.

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