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Andy P

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Been clearing snow off roads since it started. Fun for the first 10 mins. Now getting pissed off with it.

Been stuck in the wee 307B and i hate that digger. Been doing the same amount of work as the guy in the 312B though.

Think i should get that one. Would be able to do miles in the day.

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Haha what is it with you guys and igloos? Every time my dad's best mate comes over from London and there's snow around he builds an igloo.

We rarely get enough snow to do anything with so it's quite a novelty :)

I guess if you have it all the time the appeal would wear off.

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Well i dunno about other people, but the weather down here makes riding in a straight line a challenge, trying to get enough traction for anything vaguely trials related is nigh on impossible.

Getting kinda sick of the stuff, finally managed to get my car to a garage after about 45 mins of floundering around on icy slopes, i either want a foot of it or none.

Riding Bristol in the ice was the best most funnest generally excellentest ride I've had in ages, man up ;)

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I don't see what the problem is. I went riding today for a couple of hours and plan to go out again on Sunday, I am really hoping the snow is still around on Sunday because its great fun!

Today I was out on the XC bike but I still don't understand why I keep seeing people complain about going out on their trials bike in the snow. Trials is all about challenging yourself and navigating your bike over various obstacles, snow is certainly challenging and it creates interesting obstacles!

*Note this post isn't aimed directly at you benthedog

Well the only problem is, I'm not good to begin with so the snow just makes it impossible and I fall over all the time.

Haha I had to go up the street for my mum so I went on my bike. I went really fast... bad idea... i fell right off the back but didn't let go of the handlebars so the bike was pulling me along the ground :( Didn't fully realise what was happening till I crashed into a wall.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? or is it just me :(

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