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Random Guy Took My Photo

Matt Vandart

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Some random gut was down the beach by my house and took photos of me then turned up at my house with a disc which he gave to me.

Turns out he does sports photography and wanted to take photos of people riding trials so he took some photo's of me f**king around on some rocks.

He turned up at my house with a disc and said he would like to do more for his website.

His camera was a well swish pro-thing.

Now theres no point in him taking photos of me but I know a man that is worth photographing so expect some better stuff soon......

Anyway here they are, wadayathink of his photo skills?

Worth getting him to do it?

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Edited by Matt Vandart
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look cool like but, photo taker people dont know what your going to do if your doing differant moves untill they've watched you for 10-20 mins, my mum took some pictures of me a thew times and they looked good but you could'nt see what i was going to do lol, she just wanted to get a good picture which is cool but is rubbish for when you want to show people on here cool pictures of what your doing

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Is that your pedal up height?


The guy was quite fussy about the background.

Nice pictures man , look nice and clear to me but I,m not a photographtor << :ermm: but look cool

could'nt help but notice the turd on your back tyre tooo lol soz

LMFAO! :lol:

Nice one dude, I noticed it later, lucky I have a pick up or it woulda been all over my car!

Edited by Matt Vandart
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This is NOT a comment on your riding but the photos are awful. They're not good in terms of composition, DoF, angles - any sense of capturing action. I can't imagine he is any good judging by those pictures. The riding is fine and it looks like you've got a nice spot but that man is by no means in any shape or form a professional, let alone amateur photographer.

Edited by Matthew62
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This is NOT a comment on your riding but the photos are awful. They're not good in terms of composition, DoF, angles - any sense of capturing action. I can't imagine he is any good judging by those pictures. The riding is fine and it looks like you've got a nice spot but that man is by no means in any shape or form a professional, let alone amateur photographer.

Exactly my thoughts. He's probably one of those guys that has a big posh fancy camera, pretends to be a pro and goes around taking pictures of children. He's just a trainee paedofile.

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