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In desperate need for a back brake for my not such a bargain bike buy. Could someone tell me please the difference between HS11's and HS33's? My bike is equipped with dedicated 4 bolt mounts, if I were to buy a 2 bolt mount system would it be easy cheap to convert?

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4 Bolts is when you use clamps and will look similar to this.


And without the brake the mounts on the frame will look like this


But 2 bolt is also know as the evo system, which is so you can have a magura on a vee brake mount.

Overall 4 bolt is better and evo (2 bolt) is only for vee frames/forks.

Also the Hs33 is better because the lever is better quality and has the "TPA" turbo pad adjuster system which is pretty vital IMO. :)

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Thanks for the replys, very comprehensive Lucas. The frame that I have is an Onza T-Mag, the rear brake set up is a dedicated 4 bolt mount. I don't want to convert to a 2 bolt set up but I have seen for sale, brand new some Magura HS11's for £40, however these look like they have the associated fittings for a 2 bolt system.

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