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New Year Resolutions

gu trials

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Try and have more sex.

I can barely remeber what it´s like it´s been so long.

Less wanking.

no bothered in which order, but need to do both!

Get fitter, get college out the way, save some money, get the cars sorted. move out or move rooms, (livin in a room the size of a bed isnt too good....)

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Actually on a more serious note than my post before, but not soo much a resolution but:

Ive just decided to do a skydive for charity in the new year. I haven't decided which charity yet but I'm sure I'll think of a worth one.

Is it the charity for guys that jump out of plane without working parachutes?

I don't think i could ever throw myself out of a plane, but don't get me wrong big respect for doing it for charity.

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haha, typical response i know, but my main aim is to loose weight! every year I seem to loose 2-3 stone in the first 4 months of the year, then slowly put it all back on in the second half of the year. next year I'm really planning on loosing a bit more than usual, and trying to keep at least some of it off!

target is sub 15st, that'd be nice.

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Lose weight

Schedule my time better. I've gotten a lot better at this this year but still needs some fine tuning

ride A LOT more, not being able to ride, rather than choosing not to ride, has made me realise how much I really do miss it. And how much it releases stress and gives me time to think etc.

Travel a bit more on the train, not with the bike just for general wandering round and exploring cities etc.

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