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Riding Without The Headset Cap


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Done it for a good while, no trouble at all.

People often say it will allow the headset to loosen because the stem can slip on the steerer, but it doesn't, because the star nut simply isn't strong enough to hold it, it just bends and pulls it up anyway. If this happens then then stem isn't tight enough.

I used my headset press to tighten it. Just ran the threaded bar through the steerer with big washers and nuts of both ends.

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Done it for a good while, no trouble at all.

People often say it will allow the headset to loosen because the stem can slip on the steerer, but it doesn't, because the star nut simply isn't strong enough to hold it, it just bends and pulls it up anyway. If this happens then then stem isn't tight enough.

I used my headset press to tighten it. Just ran the threaded bar through the steerer with big washers and nuts of both ends.

not all of us have a headset press :$

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Once the headset is compressed and held in place by the now tightened stem , there's no reason to keep the top cap on . The cap and it's bolt do nothing to hold it all in place and if your stem's gonna slip upwards it'll do so any damned way , bolt or no . Still curious to hear Mr.Tarty's opinion on this matter , though . Outside of warranty issues for incorrect / incomplete use is there any mechanical risk involved here ?

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I'm sorry but i am amazed by the nice reponses you have got.

Its stupid, end of. A top cap is like £1, a bike shop would probably give you an old one for nothing. Not only does it preload the headset but its an added emasure in keeping your forks connected you your bike. I have to ask why the f**k you would risk not using one? Are you that hard up you cant part with a quid?

Yeah it ''might'' be fine and all that shit, but just why? I'd rather try and hold on to my teeth for now. I'm sorry i just dont get the purpose of this what so ever.

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Its stupid, end of. A top cap is like £1, a bike shop would probably give you an old one for nothing. Not only does it preload the headset but its an added emasure in keeping your forks connected you your bike. I have to ask why the f**k you would risk not using one? Are you that hard up you cant part with a quid?

Yeah it ''might'' be fine and all that shit, but just why? I'd rather try and hold on to my teeth for now. I'm sorry i just dont get the purpose of this what so ever.

If you were ever, ever in a situation where your preload bolt for your headset (which shouldn't be done up tight anyway) was all that was stopping your stem from coming off your steerer, you'd probably deserve all the pain that that would bring. I'd killed my BMX fork's topcap, and because they were an unusual size I just didn't bother running one and just borrowed a friend's topcap if I needed to take my forks off at any point. I ran that setup for about 6 months and had absolutely no problems whatsoever, and because I possess the ability to tighten a stem steerer clamp I didn't have to worry about my topcap stopping me from eating shit. Once you've preloaded the bearing and tightened your stem up, the topcap is basically just along for the ride.

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I'm sorry but i am amazed by the nice reponses you have got.

Its stupid, end of. A top cap is like £1, a bike shop would probably give you an old one for nothing. Not only does it preload the headset but its an added emasure in keeping your forks connected you your bike. I have to ask why the f**k you would risk not using one? Are you that hard up you cant part with a quid?

Yeah it ''might'' be fine and all that shit, but just why? I'd rather try and hold on to my teeth for now. I'm sorry i just dont get the purpose of this what so ever.

Take it easy m8, I can't get my brake hose through the steerer of my echo fork because its too narrow, so im considering all possible solutions including this one (geting rid of the bolt so i can get the hose through).

I must say that despite all this positive comments im still sceptical, but I'll try. Thank you all for your comments

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You'd know about your stem being so loose it could somehow come right off in your hands by being unable to steer with your front wheel, I'd imagine? It'd be literally impossible for it to get so loose you could possibly pull your bar and stem off your forks without you noticing. Again, if you were that oblivious to how your bike was riding, you'd probably deserve the pain you'd receive...

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Maybe he can't run a topcap? I had trialtech forks. The steerer was too short for the cap to reach the threads.

It's not an added measure at all, they're weak and feeble, and will never hold on if the stem isn't tight.

lmao if the steerers too short and he doesnt want to run a topcap, that isnt exactly the best idea is it? :P .

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