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Echo Urban 24"


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Certainly not horrific but it t'aint nice either. It's not aesthetically pleasing. The Inspired just looks 'right' i take a second look at mine every time i pass it, the shape and tube thickness/height/placement is just so balanced, it looks perfect.

The Echo doesn't do it for me in the slightest on a visual level. the seat tube is far too low and makes it looks too much like a stock shape, its also ruins the saddle so to make it look half decent yo have to run it at a stupid angle like in the picture. BB yoke looks stupid and the gussets are ugly. I'm not a fan.

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Having the seat angle like that does make certain tricks easier, and also gives you a pretty good idea of where you bike is, especially for tricks like manuals to 180...

EDIT: I kinda prefer the lower profile style headtube/downtube gusset on this compared to the Inspired frames too. I'm still yet to ride any Inspired build that rides as nice as Stan's Echo too - they just ride so, so nicely!

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The angle is too extreme, its at a point where its not feesable as a seat. I wouldn't sit on that at that angle. My saddle is upturned to a decent degree that it looks good, feels comfortable enough and is still grabbable. Well you may well have ridden a lot of Inspireds that were set-up very trialsy, mine is most certainly not. Heck i haven't ridden another Inspired other than my own so a lot of them may well feels pretty nasty to me too.

EDIT: Baring in mind an INspired's geo is almost no different to an echo, surely an Inspired with stans set-up would ride equally nice? Surely its down to his choice of components compared ot the frames themselves?

Edited by Matthew62
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What are those little rotors all about? Needs a 200mm on the rear fo sho! :P

Give that an inspired frame and some Middleburn Super Trial Pro cranks, (Or whatever they're called, the 16t TI bash ones), and that'd be my perfect 24. :P

Edited by Muel
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The angle is too extreme, its at a point where its not feesable as a seat. I wouldn't sit on that at that angle. My saddle is upturned to a decent degree that it looks good, feels comfortable enough and is still grabbable. Well you may well have ridden a lot of Inspireds that were set-up very trialsy, mine is most certainly not. Heck i haven't ridden another Inspired other than my own so a lot of them may well feels pretty nasty to me too.

EDIT: Baring in mind an INspired's geo is almost no different to an echo, surely an Inspired with stans set-up would ride equally nice? Surely its down to his choice of components compared ot the frames themselves?

The way the frame's made is going to have an impact on it, and the actual shape of the frame (in terms of where the weight is, etc., especially with a seat on it too) - it's a fairly different frame. Regarding the seat, it is 'feesable' as a seat. When you sit on a seat that low, your lower back curves quite a bit so when you're rolling along with your feet on the pedals (NOT just with your feet on the floor, as most people seem to test it), it feels like a fairly natural angle. It certainly feels like you're in more contact with the seat than if it's set up more parallel with the floor where you just seem to only really sit on the back edge of it, unless you've got some freakishly curved spine.

What are those little rotors all about? Needs a 200mm on the rear fo sho! :P

Not if you want modulation :P Don't forget it's also a smaller wheel size than a stock so that changes the size of rotor you theoretically need.

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4 bolt adapters on an Inspired............... whats the problem?

Nothing really, just a darn sight cleaner looking without, one less thing you've got to buy, 100grams less weight :P really its just because frames look nice without having extra blot on adapators really

I'd love for Inspired to bring out a vee mount option to be fair. So much cleaner! I'd almost consider losing out on a bit of geo for proper brake mounts :P

What like getting an Ashton.........

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No problem, just a bit bulky especially when you run a booster and sometimes adjustment is a bit of pain.

Ugh, I gotta get a 24" sometime.

You don't need a booster on an Inspired so it should be fine. I know v mounts would looks cleaner but atleast with 4 bolts mounts you can run both no problems and lets face it most people will prefer a maggie. I'd rather v adapters than having to use evo mounts for the reverse situation.

And also you may or may not regret 24''. Personally i'm so glad i changed, i was a about done with trials and my Inspired is what kept my love alive as it allowed me to ride the way i wanted and still do a decent amount fo trials when the mood took me. I got mine when they first came out, and it took me a while to get my head around the new riding btu all i can sya is i have soo much more fun now then i have ever done before on a trials bike.

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Setup's also pretty tech on 24's - some people seem to get setups that they think will be ideal for the sort of riding they might want to do, but quite often it doesn't really work out the way you think it should do. Just remember you may need to chop and change a bit to get it set up just how you need it to be, you probably won't nail it first try.

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