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Morgan's New Onza Limey3 20in


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The same time you start riding comps for them and kicking Joe Seddons arse, they might listen to you.

hahahahah gold! It's got the geo closest to what Morg wanted to try next. Short stays, a high BB and still have a bit over 1000 length. It's been the first bike we've built up, so we're learning heaps about the affects of various components. It's something we really wanted to do, so that we understand what we can change to make bikes suit him better. Actually it's the first trials bike he's had that isn't a Monty (5 so far)!

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Couple more pics showing the newly fitted parts. The rear rim is a single wall job that Rick KK left with us after the worlds. Morg wouldn't mind trying HS33's at some stage so it suits for the moment and it's 30g lighter than the Monty rim as well. Gives a better idea of what it will look like with black rims. Left the pics a little larger so you can see a little more of the detail.







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Can some one tell me if this frame has holes for the brake pipes, as there are no pictures of the left side.

Thanks Mick

No holes Mick, just two brake clips. When we fit the newer Hopes we'll run the rear line on the inside of the seat stay.

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Looks a little better with the new rim but its still got red rim tape.

Still not sure i like the colour of the frame. Defiantly needs the right colored components to make it work

It would either be this or a rockman aurum if i had to get a new frame.

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Looks a little better with the new rim but its still got red rim tape.

Still not sure i like the colour of the frame. Defiantly needs the right colored components to make it work

It would either be this or a rockman aurum if i had to get a new frame.

Yeah don't worry the red tape isn't permanent, just didn't have another.

Just put up a quick vid of Morg trying out his new ONZA Limey 3 frame. He injured his leg and hasn't been able to have a good go on it so he strapped it up and had a short ride tonight. Lewis G and J9 dropped by for a play on the pallets. By the end of the night Morg was doing all the moves he normally does on the Kamel so first impressions are excellent. Ballance point on rear was a bit different for him and took a little while to get used to. Lewis has a go on the 20 and was suprisingly soft for a big guy. Bit of Lewis and a bit of J9 in the vid as well. A few friends dropped by so we sat for a couple of hours and watched the 3 of them ride. Excellent evening!


Edited by Cam
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Morg is really starting to get used to the bike now and I asked him for a review of the bike

Hey Guys

First off, I'm really impressed by the limey, they seem to have dramatically lifted their game with the higher level bikes. With my current build, I'd say it more than acceptable for a competition bike for myself. The frame feels very stiff, however the metal feels a bit tinnier than the kamel, which is a worry for a breaker like me! However I feel that it is thicker than the XTP and sky, so I think I should hopefully get good life out of it. In comparing it with the kamel, the main thing I've noticed is speed and back wheel moves. I can pedal up and half pedal moves so much higher and easier. Initially I found myself looping out on moves, however its quite easy to adjust and it jumps itself to rear on everything. I can do static gaps to rear and sidehops to rear a lot faster and higher too. I find my sidehops equal to the kamel, surprisingly even though I had major line up issues on rear in the beginning.

Going to the 350mm chainstays from the 364mm kamel stays is initially difficult to balance on rear, and I have not yet quite found the sweet spot. I believe it is also a bit more comfortable to gap to front on than the kamel, as the little bit extra length in the front feels very confidence inspiring. I would recommend the new tryall rage bars in maximum width, I put them on mine and it makes the bike incredibly comfortable on rear, opposed to the skinny monty bars. Hook ups feel fine, and yet again the bike automatically goes to rear when doing the moves. My main issues with the bike tended to be lining up on the back wheel and 2 wheel technical riding. I found the kamel more stable and balanced for this, especially riding in a wet, slippery creek. I found that the limey was harder to make it stick to angled rocks when balanced on 2 wheels. However I feel that this is most likely lack of hours spent on the bike and finding the balance point (I spent 2 years on kamels). I am yet to ride a bike that feels equal to the kamel in 2 wheel technical riding.

In conclusion, regarding big moves (sidehops, gaps, hooks, etc...) the limey is top notch, easy to manoeuvre, twitchy and dramatically increases speed in movements.


I watched him ride today and there is quite a big difference in his riding. I know he had some issue in the beginning because it's pretty twitchy on rear but he was used to the Kamel. Today everything seemed to click and he had no problem lining up on dodgy platforms. Looks good all round!

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Don't like the colour...maybe it'll be different in real life but I guess it's nothing a rattle can couldn't change... Graphics also don't do anything at all for the frame, particularly the stuff near the headtube which really detracts from what should be one of the most eyecatching areas of the frame. Why do Onza continue to try their best to ruin the looks of otherwise nice frames? :(

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Onza have failed once again, was a seriously nice frame, untill it came in that colour :|

It grows on you, but the white stock bens on looks nicer . . . .

When will Onza realise that Long mods are so much nicer?

+1 maybe 1005 for comps is epic, but if you had an option like you used too back in the day of a long and a short more and more riders would turn to onza,

granted they have the ice and the skull, but the ice had had it time and everyone wants the new shit on the shops, the skull looks epic but the paint job just fails, then there is this witch the plainism of the design really pays off with the tubing it looks like every street/natty riders dream but its only made for one of those two aspects of trials.

bearing in mind with chainslack and decent forks this frame would ride longer I think its epic, shame on the geo.


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