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Poetry Thread


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Hey, as I'm interested in poetry I'd like to hear what you guys have written

It can be anything :)

I'll start of with one of mine :


There must be an angel in heaven watching over me

No wonder I can spread my wings so far and free

Words of happiness, so tender and true

Just the smile upon your face turns the skies blue

And added surprise from you everyday

Is enough to keep all my troubles at bay

If this is a dream, let it carry on

And I bless the day our eyes first set upon

If i ever had to repay you

I would have countless things to do

And if I ever said "I hate you", that's just a pitiful lie

And I couldn't hate you once, even if I try

You're a star, ever so nice

You're my own personal Jesus Christ


Dedicated to Harry.B (TrialItAll)

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A few people on here do song-writing I'm sure; although poetry I'm not too sure.

Poetry takes feelings, emotion and a conscience - We're all nasty, rotten, 'ard bastards on here.

You can write poetry in a form of hatred too, I've done it :giggle:

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Not mine but a pretty good one about women and murdering by oscar wilde here.

The Dole of the King's Daughter

by Oscar Wilde

Seven stars in the still water,

And seven in the sky;

Seven sins on the King's daughter,

Deep in her soul to lie.

Red roses at her feet,

(Roses are red in her red-gold hair)

And O where her bosom and girdle meet

Red roses are hidden there.

Fair is the knight who lieth slain

Amid the rush and reed,

See the lean fishes that are fain

Upon dead men to feed.

Sweet is the page that lieth there,

(Cloth of gold is goodly prey,)

See the black ravens in the air,

Black, O black as the night are they.

What do they there so stark and dead?

(There is blood upon her hand)

Why are the lilies flecked with red?

(There is blood on the river sand.)

There are two that ride from the south to the east,

And two from the north and west,

For the black raven a goodly feast,

For the King's daughter to rest.

There is one man who loves her true,

(Red, O red, is the stain of gore!)

He hath duggen a grave by the darksome yew,

(One grave will do for four.)

No moon in the still heaven,

In the black water none,

The sins on her soul are seven,

The sin upon his is one.

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Not mine but a pretty good one about women and murdering by oscar wilde here.

The Dole of the King's Daughter

by Oscar Wilde

(took poem out as it would as it would annoy people)

I'm not too fond on this poem, bit old and ... I can't explain it It's just not what I love :P Thanks for posting it anyways!

Some people on here are thick,

Lots of us want to beat them with a stick

I like to call those people retard,

Learn to spell you fool, it's not hard.


Sweet! :giggle: I may have to use this with people who are so lazy they can't spell...

The roses are dry,

The violets are dead,

The sugar bowls empty

and so is your head.

Nice twist to the original :)

The roses are red,

The violets are blue,

This shitty generic poem,

too good for the likes of you.

Now now... How many times have I heard roses are red, violets are blue? :giggle:

The endings okayish... ;)

Jake's obscene and a tool.

He's a slob and a hideous mule.

He's a sham and a chore,

A dweeb and a snore,

He's always repellent and cruel.

You must be a lovely friend! <_<

My name is Jake, you are soooo harsh! Kidding :giggle:

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