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Are You On Drugs For Your Despression?



132 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you on drugs for your despression?

    • Yes.
    • No becuase i'm not depressed.
    • No but am depressed.
    • No, but i think i should be.
    • No becuase i feel asbolutly fanf**kingtastic all the time.
    • I prefer not to answer for whatever reason.

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I've been on various different ones in the last 3 years, i was on a concoction of about 11 a day the middle of this yea.

I stopped taking them a few months ago for personal reasons, you do notice the difference when you come off them but shit happens and lifes a bitch so you get over it.

I had no idea adam.....

Most likely because we rarely speak anymore as im never on here or msn now but i thought i'd add my thoughts.

Im not and havn't taken medication, mainly because i've seen what it's done to my granny and what it did to an ex girlfriend who was on an SSRI. I'd sy that I spent the best part of a year depressed, which was mainly down to a bad relationship which started affecting my work and money and everything.

I had attended councilling for what i'd describe more as anxiety than depression when I was younger(11-12) but the depression I had more recently was a much bigger problem. I denied to myself that I had an issue, (probobly because I thought being in a relationship should be making me happy) but finally decided to go to uni counselling after a month or two. It helped to an extent, but looking back now I can see that even if I had of gone everyday, the relationship I was in was the issue and if it didn't change I wouldn't.

In the end the relationship failed, it's taken me months to finally feel like im 'over' it and start looking for something/one better.

Sorry went on something of a tangent there but the point im trying to make is that I think that medication can help to numb whatever it is your feeling, but if the problem itself is 'external' then something else would be required to fix it. I find I need to keep busy, active, and need to be doing something I enjoy, at one time it was riding trials, now its sailing, a routine keeps me upbeat and positive too.

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Jake returns! It's been forever mate, think the last time we spoke you where either in an airport, or about to set off for one... Gotta be 6 months ago now at least?

Hope you're doing ok anyway mate, last time we spoke I think you had decided the relationship was finished, sorry to hear it was so tought for you. :(

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No worries buddy, you weren't to know (Y) Have to catch me on msn sometime, have a catch up ^_^

I do agree with you, medication can only do so much for it, alot of it's down to the person taking it. I have some shit days but i did when i was on the medication so no change really, It gives you a feeling of independence coming off it aswell.

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Everytime I get upset I stand in front of the mirror naked and do a little jiggle, seeing my penis and moobs bounce up and down is the funnyest thing on earth, thats my prozac.

Film it and share it for all the people who upset?

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Anyone else think that why some people are more likely to become depressed then others is interesting?

It's interesting actually! I suppose it's all to do with your surroundings, friends, social life etc. Although having said that i'd imagine some of it is to do with genetics and stuff.

Meh, might be wrong.

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I considered medication for ongoing depression about 6 months ago - I had always thought however, that despite various chemical imbalances that contribute to the disorder, it was ultimately down a state of mind.

Since then and through more research, understanding and personal development I now couldn't ever see me going back to that dark place and feel like I'm on top of the world. :)

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Anyone else think that why some people are more likely to become depressed then others is interesting?

Absoutely, like adam says who you are is based on your genetics and your environment. I've actually started to see the significance of it all after years of ignoring it and am considering a change in direction with regard to a career as a result.

I'm VERY interested in personality and that sorta thing...

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