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An Old Edit.


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erm yeah so what ill do is just like dick tease everyone and save this for like 4 years. you said you were going to put this up so long ago

well worth the wait actually made me actually want to ride again been a long time since theres been an inspirational video on here spesh with all the natty fag weight savings and such forth

pretty sure when craig filmed all this footage he dent have to drill his bike to f**k and then like redesign his shoes and like have lighter laces, take out part of his embroidery on his clothing, and cut his hair makes me sick as to what trials is turning into :closedeyes:

craig im glad you released this video with a proper tune tis about time someone did

damien and tunafish sort yaselves and get some videos out and have words with deng please ffs hes killing himself off every year without actually realising it.....summat about being foreign i guess :-

rant over slaughtered it all creg what i love most is this footage is so old and you still piss everyone cant wait to see nu footage of you. get a ride sorted soon.

has monks still got a bent back?


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erm yeah so what ill do is just like dick tease everyone and save this for like 4 years. you said you were going to put this up so long ago

well worth the wait actually made me actually want to ride again been a long time since theres been an inspirational video on here spesh with all the natty fag weight savings and such forth

pretty sure when craig filmed all this footage he dent have to drill his bike to f**k and then like redesign his shoes and like have lighter laces, take out part of his embroidery on his clothing, and cut his hair makes me sick as to what trials is turning into :closedeyes:

craig im glad you released this video with a proper tune tis about time someone did

damien and tunafish sort yaselves and get some videos out and have words with deng please ffs hes killing himself off every year without actually realising it.....summat about being foreign i guess :-

rant over slaughtered it all creg what i love most is this footage is so old and you still piss everyone cant wait to see nu footage of you. get a ride sorted soon.

has monks still got a bent back?


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you made me laugh! what a guy!

love! xx

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