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Anyone Applying To Uni?


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  On 2/18/2010 at 9:30 AM, The Duck said:

Went to look round coventry yesterday. Haven't look around a university before so didn't know what to expect. It was cool, sort of freaked me out a bit. Most of the other prospective students looked like right doughnuts, which put me off a bit. Facilities all looked pretty good though. Went on an accommodation tour, which opened my eyes a bit.

Looked at 2 different types,

£90 a week - shared bathroom and kitchen/living area, pretty grotty, the bathroom and shower room didn't have windows, really low wattage lights with f**king low energy bulbs so you couldn't see f**k all.

£110 a week - get your own bathroom (which I'd quite like), noticeably nicer, but limited spaces.

£110 a week is quuuite expensive isn't it?

Also, got the strong message that I'd probably have to sell my car. Which I really really really don't want to do.

Edit: Parking is £200 a year, getting locked out of your room will cost you £20 a throw, use of a f**king washing machine is £2. Expensive expensive expensive.

Hmmm I've got an offer from Coventry, thinking it's one of my least likely options though. Kind of far and seems expensive!

Not ruling it out though ;)

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  On 2/22/2010 at 8:58 PM, Shaun H said:

If you don't go in halls in your first year you'll regret it forevaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

So true, I moved into private accommodation with a mate from school, I am in first year just now, (both at different uni's in the same city) and i have totally missed out on a huge amount of the social stuff! BIG BIG BIG mistake. It's expensive but i genuinely think it's worth it...

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got 4 offers, ntu, shu, hull and leeds met. i'm struggling to choose between nottingham and sheffield. i need the same grade for either so i'm not to worried about getting in :D btec ftmfw! i only need 4merits and 5 passes this year. so when my higher grades are out of the way i can gym/bike/work like f**k so i'm tooled up for maximum carnage at uni :D woop woop

  On 2/18/2010 at 9:30 AM, The Duck said:

use of a f**king washing machine is £2. Expensive expensive expensive.

if the washers are mansize industrial ones, you can get 3 peoples worth of washing in there and split the cost...

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  On 2/22/2010 at 11:32 PM, Rojo said:

So true, I moved into private accommodation with a mate from school, I am in first year just now, (both at different uni's in the same city) and i have totally missed out on a huge amount of the social stuff! BIG BIG BIG mistake. It's expensive but i genuinely think it's worth it...

Ha my halls only cost £55/week!

They were a bit of a hole but it really didn't matter, so fun :turned:

Is there noone going to any of the Birmingham Universities?

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  On 2/26/2010 at 12:35 PM, Simpson said:

Yea for note of accomodation, I'm paying £72 shared b'room and toilet its fine, I never want to use it when my other 4 flat mates do its really not an issue and saves me over £30 a week. To share a shitter thats not an issue for me! lol

For a second I though you meant shared bedroom! f**k that!

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--' date='26 February 2010 - 12:30 PM' timestamp='1267187418' post='2090148']

I've just responded to my offers, chosen UWE over Sheffield & solent, but Yeah, the halls Im going for are 134 quid a week. Which is everything of my loan an more., But it's UWE and on campus, which saves a bus journey every day., Got to be done though, happy to sacrifice a bit up intill then and save up. Really into it.

That's pretty steep. Take it you're at Frenchay? It's a little out of the way, and for the added expense...

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  On 2/26/2010 at 4:55 PM, Papa Manual said:

That's pretty steep. Take it you're at Frenchay? It's a little out of the way, and for the added expense...

Word. It's miles from the centre in one of the diviest areas of Bristol. Unite in the centre (think that's where joe went?) would be my choice if I were uwe scum (teehee)...

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Yeh Marketgate(owned by unite) is the place to go. Though there's frequent buses to and from uni, and i think if you live at campus you get a free ulink bus pass so you'll be alright. And Filton Abbeywood train station is 5 min walk from uwe so you can get to Temple meads to go riding. But be careful in the student village, apparently if you break something it will be expensive to fix.

Could be worse though, you could go to Bristol uni and have to walk down park street/ St. Michael's hill all the time ;)

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  On 2/26/2010 at 10:20 PM, yoyoyo said:

Yeh Marketgate(owned by unite) is the place to go. Though there's frequent buses to and from uni, and i think if you live at campus you get a free ulink bus pass so you'll be alright. And Filton Abbeywood train station is 5 min walk from uwe so you can get to Temple meads to go riding. But be careful in the student village, apparently if you break something it will be expensive to fix.

Could be worse though, you could go to Bristol uni and have to walk down park street/ St. Michael's hill all the time ;)

ahh the wonders of the park street lift service ...

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Still only had two of my choices respond to me :mellow:

Looking like Salford, Manchester or Leeds are my favourites. Can't wait to actually get moving, I can't even come by a job round these parts god dam!

Can anybody tell me when the latest time to apply for loans etc is? and do you accept your offer then apply for loans or just apply for the loan even though you don't know where/if you'll get in?

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Really want to go now. Will be applying when im in Yr13. Really dont know where to go, want to study geology.

I know nick on here went to plymouth to study, and the benifit is i could still live at home. But has anyone been to cambourne school of mines (falmouth- exeter uni)?


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  On 2/26/2010 at 11:06 PM, trialsmax04 said:

Really want to go now. Will be applying when im in Yr13. Really dont know where to go, want to study geology.

I know nick on here went to plymouth to study, and the benifit is i could still live at home. But has anyone been to cambourne school of mines (falmouth- exeter uni)?


I'll be going to Camborne this October to do the MSc Mining Geology. I've only been down for an interview, but I did have the chance to look round the facilities in the mining school itself, and the campus facilities like the library etc.

Having already been to two uni's and completed my first degree, I can safely say that Camborne is well above par in terms of the quality of the facilities available at most other uni's, and from chatting to the lecturers and current students, the quality of teaching is excellent. Most of the equipment in their analytical labs is the only stuff of it's kind in Europe as well.

I stayed in student halls over the few days I was there, and compared to halls I've been in before (including the ones I stayed in in my first year, my girlfriend's, and friends halls), they were much better. They were only built a few years ago, so haven't had a chance to get grotty yet. I'm not sure what the prices would be like for full terms though.

I'd highly recommend Geology. I don't regret a single thing about doing it - I got to travel to lots of new places, do some incredible things, and meet lots of new people whilst doing fieldwork. Socially you tend to get to know the people on your course better than other courses like law/chemistry etc because you're always away on trips, staying together in hostels and drinking together all the time.

One thing I would say is choose your course very carefully. I went to Edinburgh, which is excellent, but very research based. The result was that my degree was very theoretical - I got an excellent general grounding in all types of geology, but no career specific skills. This means that most Edinburgh graduates need to go on to masters study to learn industrially applicable skills you can actually get a job with - me and a few others are going to Camborne for Mining Geology, others are going on to do engineering or hydrogeology masters. So if possible, get on a geology degree with a strong vocational bias.

The one advantage of you going to Camborne for your degree would be that you'd learn vocational geology from day one, which would prepare you for a job in the mining industry from start to finish. The downside to that is you would have to be certain a career in the mining industry was for you - you'll graduate Camborne with a bias in knowledge toward mining, and so it'll be harder to break into other parts of geology. I had the four years of my first degree to really figure out where I wanted my career to go, and then specialise for it at masters.

Lastly, Penryn and Falmouth are fairly small places. From what I saw, there are a small amount of excellent pubs/bars and a few clubs that the students tend to converge on, but generally there isn't the variation you'd get in a larger city. The pace of life there is much quieter and chilled out. Drinking, going out and visiting new places are all part of the undergrad experience, so if you like going out partying all week, a city based uni might be a better choice.

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