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How To Choose ..stock Or Mod


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Heya guys,

I'm not sure weather to go for a Stock or a Mod. I have ridden a friends Onza Rip and Zoo Python, and a friends Echo something .. not sure what it was, only was on it for about 5 minns, i liked the feel of them both, but am not sure which one to invest a maximum of £400 into.. Please could you tell me perhaps what's different from a Mod to a Stock, obviously the wheel size, and weight, but anything else you know about it would be helpful as i am a bit of an newbie !

Much appreciated,

Harry. (:

*EDIT - On my page it says "Bike ridden - Stock". I did have a 26" Street/Park bike, but not for long, just in-case anyone wondered why this was.

*EDIT 2 - I am almost 6FT.

Edited by TrialItAll
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Hi dude

if your wondering to get a mod or stock

a stock is a bike which some riders sute because they are tall but others like mod because they are smaller and people say that they are better to handel and why dont you try out a stock and then a mod and see which you feel the best on

hope i helped

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Hi dude

if your wondering to get a mod or stock

a stock is a bike which some riders sute because they are tall but others like mod because they are smaller and people say that they are better to handel and why dont you try out a stock and then a mod and see which you feel the best on

hope i helped

I'm sorry but that post was almost useless.

The tarty video is probably the best thing to follow.

The best way to choose is always going to be trying the bikes you've been looking at and getting whatever feels better to you.

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I'm sorry but that post was almost useless.

The tarty video is probably the best thing to follow.

The best way to choose is always going to be trying the bikes you've been looking at and getting whatever feels better to you.

Not if you're deaf and you don't have a clue what they're saying... :(

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it all depends on what you want to do, if your into lenght go for stock bit if you got a flicky style i would go for mod .

it dont really matter how tall you are becuse my friend is 6'4 and has both mod and stock and alternates between the two .

What mod is he riding?

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Hi dude

if your wondering to get a mod or stock

a stock is a bike which some riders sute because they are tall but others like mod because they are smaller and people say that they are better to handel and why dont you try out a stock and then a mod and see which you feel the best on

hope i helped

I'm small and I like stock.

What's up then? i'm a strange Specimen? :D

Edited by 315r
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best advice would be to do your reasearch BEFORE you buy! lol

when i started i went streight for the first trials i could get cheap which was a mod .. and what a mistake that was i had it for about 2 month and my progress came to a hault after a day or so of riding because i could not get the hang of it at all, had a go on my mates 26" and INSTANTLY felt more comfertable, probably because i ride a 26" jump bike regulary, so a few week later i saved up and bought a onza hitman for cheap and my progress is now back on track and every time i ride now i learn something new... so try before you buy is a must...

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Hi man i got a rip for my first one cos of the cost really like it and managed to pick up most of the tricks pritty quick .i also like it cos can get in in the car to go places that are to far but i really want a 26 for bigger jumping so ye would try if you can i never had a opption but i was told that mod are for more stunt and not street riding

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