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Onza Comp

Trials Adam

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Hi Guys

I was just wanting to know if i get a onza comp for this xmas if i should change the front HS33 brake for a hidrolic disk brake

which would be the best and also if i get a disk brake which should i buy i dont want a too expensive brake just a good,powerfull,not a high price.

And if so which pads should i but because i want some with a good bite and some which run on a smooth rim and also without tar i was thinking about a disk because many people say HS33 dosent work aoo well under wet or damp conditions but a disk does.

Please get back to me on that ^_^

also if there are eney more things i might need to change please tell me ^_^

Edited by Trials Adam
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My mate got a Comp for his Birthday, i had a couple of rides on it, it's no bad bike, the brakes seem ok, could definitely be much more stronger, but with fine tuning you don't need a more powerful brake, just know how to get the most out of the ones you have! If not, I do have some brand new Magura RaceLine HS33's, new Maggy pads with them Post me if you're interested. ;]

Lucky you're getting a brand new bike for Christmas! I'm hoping to be able to squeeze enough cash out of work and my relatives to get enough for an Adamant A3.

:D .

Hope i helped,


Edited by TrialItAll
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Get the blade instead and change the front brake to a hope mono trial, works out around the same price as a comp standard, but with a better front wheel.

Yeah the guys right Adam remember i got a blade but i got a magura louise bit cheaper but only because i got them other parts. Get a hope mono trial also it does have a better front rim so thats a good advantage than the comp.

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Ey up,

Cool Topic Adam and this depends what you want to start off on as a front brake, in this situation

it depends on your rip do you like the rim brake or do you prefer the brake disc as you could have

a little test on mine and see what your opinion is that you want to get just giving some whise advice.

In my books the hydraulic disc is sound as i got one and it runs very smooth when riding and the rim

brake is more chuggy so depends what your opinion is and what you want to learn with. If you get a

Hard rim grind you can use it in rain abit with some good pads but try think of the dry weather is when

we most ride and plus you could just get the rim brake and sell it and buy a disc if its your choice but

Disc is mostly best in dry and wet conditions.

Good Luck cuz hope this helps.

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My mate got a Comp for his Birthday, i had a couple of rides on it, it's no bad bike, the brakes seem ok, could definitely be much more stronger, but with fine tuning you don't need a more powerful brake, just know how to get the most out of the ones you have! If not, I do have some brand new Magura RaceLine HS33's, new Maggy pads with them Post me if you're interested. ;]

Lucky you're getting a brand new bike for Christmas! I'm hoping to be able to squeeze enough cash out of work and my relatives to get enough for an Adamant A3.

:D .

Hope i helped,


No you don't since they stopped making them in 2004.

Plus your not allowed to sell anything in NMC.

Naughty naughty.

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