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Daniel Gray

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That was awesome. Fantastic job. I'm really sad that I never got to ride with Janson... Never really knew him but watching the start of the Sweden section really got me thinking. Some wicked riding and so good to see the usual suspects out in force like that. Really makes me want to get back out on the bike more too.

Edit: I couldn't remember if I was at that Portland ride or not but apparently I was :P.

Edit2: Love the Kenny Belaey quote;

Someone: 'That was much better than how Vincent did it'

Kenny: 'Who?'


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Well, this could be a perfect unforgettable 7 minute video.. The most imortant thing in any video - the effect it leaves. This effect is much easier to reach doing shorter vid's.. And i think it wasn't a good idea putting Porter's mind-blowing section first - everything elese just seems boring after it.

Good video though, Thank you!

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  J Trials 31 said:
I got a question though, noticed the one clip with the guy on the Monty PR. It had orange rims, where can I get orange rims like that? Only seen the rear Tryall one that is super heavy.
  chimpanzyyyy said:
the guy painted those him self, it's hand made painting

Negative Chimp. I had them powder coated locally. Cost about £20 for the pair I think. Really hard wearing finish as well (Y).

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