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Punching To Raise The Front?

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Hey guys, yes im sorry but im a noob at trials... my balance is improving, but I can't raise the front of my bike in one single punch of the pedals

The only way I can do it is to wheelie and i cant be still while doing that obviously...

I have a Kabuki Mono Frame (which is pretty dam long) 26" wheels

Any Ideas/Tips?

Thanks Guys! I Appreciate it! :)

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It's all about timing. Start by doing a little endo (the rear only a couple of inches off the ground) and as the back touches down shift you weight back and pull on the bars; you're basically using the momentum of the bike coming down to pivot on the rear and lift the front. Chances are you might get the front an inch or two off the ground to start with but if you get comfortable at that move on to letting go of the rear brake and putting in a little kick of the pedals as the rear wheel touches down from the endo. You're aiming to move the bike forwards underneath you while keeping your own centre of gravity in the same place. When you do it right the bike will end up with the front wheel a couple of feet off the floor and you will be balanced with your centre of gravity over the rear wheel...

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  Sam Brockway (Xtreen) said:
Hey guys, yes im sorry but im a noob at trials... my balance is improving, but I can't raise the front of my bike in one single punch of the pedals

The only way I can do it is to wheelie and i cant be still while doing that obviously...

I have a Kabuki Mono Frame (which is pretty dam long) 26" wheels

Any Ideas/Tips?

Thanks Guys! I Appreciate it! :)

How i learned to do it, even before I had a trials bike, was to ride along and do a stoppie (or endo as most call it) and as the back wheel touches the ground again, rock back and pull on the handle bars and you should be doing it!

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  Joe O said:
do a stoppie (or endo as most call it)

Just a quick aside that a stoppie is where you ride at speed, use the front brake to get the back wheel off the ground then continue rolling on the front wheel. An endo is where you lock the front brake (either from standstill or while moving slowly) and pivot about the front wheel.

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  Joe O said:
How i learned to do it, even before I had a trials bike, was to ride along and do a stoppie (or endo as most call it) and as the back wheel touches the ground again, rock back and pull on the handle bars and you should be doing it!

Yup, i can do that ok, i can hop on my bck wheel 10 times around about, but only when i do an endo first... i mean just punching at the drive-train and raising the front wheel in one motion without an endo, thats what i find imposable... :(

  monkeyseemonkeydo said:
It's all about timing. Start by doing a little endo (the rear only a couple of inches off the ground) and as the back touches down shift you weight back and pull on the bars; you're basically using the momentum of the bike coming down to pivot on the rear and lift the front. Chances are you might get the front an inch or two off the ground to start with but if you get comfortable at that move on to letting go of the rear brake and putting in a little kick of the pedals as the rear wheel touches down from the endo. You're aiming to move the bike forwards underneath you while keeping your own centre of gravity in the same place. When you do it right the bike will end up with the front wheel a couple of feet off the floor and you will be balanced with your centre of gravity over the rear wheel...

Yup, i can do that ok, i can hop on my bck wheel 10 times around about, but only when i do an endo first... i mean just punching at the drive-train and raising the front wheel in one motion without an endo, thats what i find imposable... :(

  Simpson said:
Do you mean a little roll up onto the back wheel...

or just getting onto the back wheel to hop... I read it properly and wasn't clear, cos' i can't help if you don't put enough detail in...

just getting up onto the back wheel in preparation to hop,(without a endo)

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  Joe O said:
How i learned to do it, even before I had a trials bike, was to ride along and do a stoppie (or endo as most call it) and as the back wheel touches the ground again, rock back and pull on the handle bars and you should be doing it!

and dont forget to use your rear brake! hah :).

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