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Any Down Hillers Out There


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The super 8 will feel very sloppy and old fashioned compared to a modern DH frame. A friend of mine used to have one and the most alarming thing it would do was having the main triangle of the frame pivot around the swingarm when you pulled the front up to huck off something. It could have been the shock settings, but given the pivot location, you'd need a very special shock to deal with that properly.

If you're planning on using it for DH and not hucking then you may not notice this behaviour. I like my bikes to pivot around the back axle when I shift my weight backwards though - especially as the shock will prematurely slap the front wheel back into the ground when you pull back on the Super 8. If you pedal off the edge of a drop this effect is lessened though. The back end is quite long leading to difficult cornering when it gets tight too, but I notice that even comparing my Trance to my DMR hardtail.

This bike is one to have for polishing and to feel you own a MTB design classic rather than a bike that's still competitive for modern use - for that purpose I'd be half tempted to get one myself...

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