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Mma...mixed Martial Arts


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Danny's sat on the sofa playing the Playstation, so I'm just typing what he's telling...

"Basically, first lesson's just kept simple; general fitness and that. Different trainers and different gyms mean different levels of progression. When I went to my first MMA class I was 10, I found it challenging mentally and physically. On my first lesson I did general fitness and all that, on the second lesson is when I started learning the basics. I never went to the gym whilst I was going to classes but I built up alot of muscle. I found a strict diet of protein and carbs really helped with my progression. I attended classes for 7 years before quitting. What's your height / build / weight?"

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I compete occasionally. First class is ust the basics, finding out what you know, what you want to achieve, what your strentghs are, weight, height, diet etc. 1st lessons pretty intimidating i found, how old are you?

Edit: What sort of 5ft10 13 stone build are you though? I've met people that size and height that have been fat f**kers with no cardio where as i've also met absolute machines at that height/size....

Edited by Adam-Griffin
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Danny said if you're 13 stone then you're obviously carrying alot of muscle. He said you might wanna put some podge on aswell...

Thats absolute rubbish; You can't just make the assumption that because he's 13st it's muscle :S It might be, yeah. But on the other hand it might be 13st of fat.

I'm not saying it is but thats a pretty silly thing to say.

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im 26.not built like a beast but im not a heffer either lets say on the back end of slim.

thanks for the replies so far by the way.

If im honest most of the wieght comes from my legs.built well there but every other part of my body is average...ahem.

Edited by trialsalot
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im 26.not built like a beast but im not a heffer either lets say on the back end of slim.

thanks for the replies so far by the way.

What are you hoping to get from it? Are you interested in competing?

Alot of Mix martial artists carry alot of weight on there legs and shoulders, are you pretty 'wide' at the top? What sort of excercise/training do you do on a weekly basis :) ?

Edited by Adam-Griffin
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i could never rule out competing but age is against me imo.i try to ride at least twice a week which doesnt seem to happen much,i swim once a week and i may go running once or twice a week too.

ideally i want to get a proper workout.tone up and get bigger but also gain confidence in myself,self control and discipline.if i took to it well and ejoyed it i dont mind competing.

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i could never rule out competing but age is against me imo.i try to ride at least twice a week which doesnt seem to happen much,i swim once a week and i may go running once or twice a week too.

ideally i want to get a proper workout.tone up and get bigger but also gain confidence in myself,self control and discipline.if i took to it well and ejoyed it i dont mind competing.

However ridiculous it sounds, MMA changed my life. 3 years ago I was a 5ft.3 14st fat shit with absolutely no ambition in life, i took up boxing originally and kinda got bored so ventured into the realms of muay thai/Jui jitsu etc and Thoroughly enjoyed it and as a result, took it at Gcse and got A* throughout. In the last 3 years my fitness and general approach to life has changed 10x fold, i've got routine, ambition and feel as though i know what i want to do in life. Obviously, I'd love to compete at national/International level but then everyone would, it's a pipe dream :P . 26 isn't too old atall, alot of accomplised mixed martial artists didn't even begin competing until they were that age, Ok so you'll have to work a little harder than most but if it's something you're genuinely interested in then you'll enjoy doing it, is there a specific area of mma you're interested in or just mma in general?

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its hard to really say what area i like more.i think jui jitsu side of things appeals to me more.dont know if i have a decent stand up technique but saying that i suppose i wont till after a few sessions.i used to have a very short temper when i was younger but i dont mind getting that smacked out of me...literally.

Adam..thats exactly what i need.

Anyways,my spelling is going to crap so i'll pop on here soon and let you all know how i got on.

Thanks again for advice and keep the advice coming in.

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its hard to really say what area i like more.i think jui jitsu side of things appeals to me more.dont know if i have a decent stand up technique but saying that i suppose i wont till after a few sessions.i used to have a very short temper when i was younger but i dont mind getting that smacked out of me...literally.

Adam..thats exactly what i need.

Anyways,my spelling is going to crap so i'll pop on here soon and let you all know how i got on.

Thanks again for advice and keep the advice coming in.

Best of luck (Y) Hope you enjoy it ^_^ Jui jitsus great, not only is it practical it's pretty damn fun if you're paired with the right partner :lol: Just remember, it's not gay unless you make eye contact ;)

Feel free to hit me up if you need anything, i'll try to help you out however i can :)

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whats the name of the gym your going to go to? I've done it for just over 2 years, It's great it does give you so much confidence plus there's nothing wrong with a good ass kicking a few times a week. Oh and at 26 you have nothing to worry about, you could be competing at armature after about a year.

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Danny said if you're 13 stone then you're obviously carrying alot of muscle. He said you might wanna put some podge on aswell...

Just out of interest, if you were 13st of muscle, why would you want to put podge on? If I was 13st of muscle, I'd prefer some more muscle please.

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