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Need Bb Tool To Fit..... (links Inside)


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Depends what tool you've got. ISIS BB's need more clearance in the tool to allow it to pass over the axle and still reach the splines which some tools which were designed purely for square taper don't allow for. The actual spline they pick up on is the same but the dimensions can be different... So basically, depends purely on the tool you have.

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Sorry, missed that. I'm afraid I'm going to advise something which Tarty don't seem to stock (sorry Adam!!) but I've got the RaceFace one which is similar to the IceToolz one but includes a neat adapter which allows you to use an 8mm Allen key, which means I often carry it with me on rides since I already have the 8mm for cranks. £7 posted ain't bad either.

Edit: Actually possibly £6.30 if that 10% off banner thing's telling the truth.

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  Mikey-uk said:
Hmm. I'd rather order from tarty to go above £100 and get myself a free t-shirt (yes im stingey :P)

Could you reconmend anything from the tarty boys?

There's not much in it to be honest. In the absence of a 1/2" square-8mm allen adaptor (which must exist outside of RaceFace but I can't find it) I'd probably go with the Cyclus tool but I'd still rather go for the RaceFace one and buy something else pimp for the bike from Tarty to get up to the £100!!

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