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Tnn Crm's Or Lgm's?


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Heya, Onza Citrus on a dead grind are no good in the wet and only somtimes good in the dry (depends if there's an invisible layer of dust or somthing else on the rim) so i'm looking for some decent pads.

I was told that the LGM's were amazing but acording to Tarty they're better for ground rims wheras the CRM's are advertised for smooth, light grind or dead grind.

What do you guys think about the pads? Or are there any other pads decent on a dead grind?

NOT going to grind my rim so don't even sugest it :P

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Pads that are good for a smooth rim:

Phat pads

Heatsink Yellows and Snowies

Tnn Lgm's

Heatsink Cousts

If you can get hold of some, this could be quite hard. But the famous Heatsink Reds.

Or as reveolver has just said, grind your rim for the best performance.

Edited by ginger allen echo
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Thanks allen, i'm not grinding the rim but neither am I running it on a smooth rim. I need a brake that will be beast on a dead/worn grind, why do you mention the LGM's but not the CRM's which are specified to be used on a worn grind?

Ben, just had a look and seen that they're listen as discontinued. No idea why they're still on tarty though :/

Edited by Mikey-uk
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I have been on three different bikes that have had the CRM's on a smooth and grind. They were all pretty rubbish.

Iv'e got the LGM's on a smooth and they are insane!

Heatsink Yellows are supposed to be a very good pad to use on a dead grind. Or you could sand your sidewalls down with wet and dry sandpaper.

How did you get the link to the CRM's? tarty ahve taken them off the website.

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  ginger allen echo said:
I have been on three different bikes that have had the CRM's on a smooth and grind. They were all pretty rubbish.

Iv'e got the LGM's on a smooth and they are insane!

Heatsink Yellows are supposed to be a very good pad to use on a dead grind. Or you could sand your sidewalls down with wet and dry sandpaper.

I'll have a look into the Heatsinks, even though these pads are for chrismas i'd rather have them within the next 3-4 weeks and have heard that although steve is a good salesman and has good quality products he is also very slow to reply / ship said products.

I probs will sand my sidewalls down sooner or later, I would grind but I don't want to have to maintain the grind and eventually replace the rim unless I have to.

Click on the green refills and then follow a link to them (Y) I'll email adam about this error.

Edited by Mikey-uk
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  Mikey-uk said:
I'll have a look into the Heatsinks, even though these pads are for chrismas i'd rather have them within the next 3-4 weeks and have heard that although steve is a good salesman and has good quality products he is also very slow to reply / ship said products.

I probs will sand my sidewalls down sooner or later, I would grind but I don't want to have to maintain the grind and eventually replace the rim unless I have to.

Click on the green refills and then follow a link to them (Y) I'll email adam about this error.

Cheers haha. yer haha I orderd some Cousts from him two and a bit weeks before christmas. You would have thought he would have sent them in that time but he obviously didn't.

So I got them two weeks after christmas.. That wasnt helpful when i really needed some new pads haha.

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  Borat said:
Mikey, like I said on mesennn. Get the Tnn Lgms, my grind is as dead as Ghandi; yet they are amazing in the wet and dry. No slip at all, as I will prove to you tmrw.

xD tomorrow should be safe (Y) Convincing my dad now to get the Lgm's and the try-all crank/bb bundle for (early)christmas presents.

Allen thought you was running smooth and I thought you didn't want to run a disk? Why would you need forks? :P

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