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Grind My Rim?


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I run a rear maggy hs33, it tends to slip a bit when i'm up on the back wheel.

I was thinking of grinding the rim, but I don't really have the tools or the money to replace the rim if I go wrong.

A friend of mine suggested using very fine sand paper as it does the same job. Does it?

What should I do? buy tar; use sand paper; get some one else to grind it for me; buy new pads?

What do you guys do? And what combinations of grinds and pads and things do you use

Thanks guys

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Cut into it a little bit with a saw, takes ages to go all the way around both sides but works the same as a grind, or get someone near you to grind it for you, you only need to skim across the top of the sidewalls so it roughens it up abit, you could just buy new pads and use tar, which can be found on the road, but will only work in the dry.

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I would recomend a grind. A grinder these days are only about £10/£15 pound, however you could borrow one off someone? Theres a video of the tnn crew of how to grind a rim on youtube somewhere!

I run a grind and it holds really good even in the wet weather. I run koxx croco pads mixed so i have a blue and a brown on either side. If you look at the discription of pads it tells you what they are best conditions to use them in.

I would stay away from tar because trying to ride in the rain with tar is just silly, it makes it slimy and it just does not work!

Willis x

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