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Any Budding Geologists?


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Was just wondering if there was any geologists on here that are currently studying for a degree in the subject. Im currently studying it at sixth form and would really like to continue it into a career (possibly an engeneering geologist). Any one out there that could give me the lowdown on there corse and uni?



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I've done geology A level, Applied geology at Plymouth uni and am now working for Southwest Geotechnical as a geotechnical engineer.

CSM is well known for being at the forefront of geology, I had a look around when I was looking for unis. We (SWG) are actually doing some work for them at the moment at the tremough campus. The problem I had was its kinda in the middle of nowhere, and thought I'd get pretty damn bored.

I chose Plymouth and am very glad I did, had a great time there. Both my bosses at SWG also went to Plymouth uni. Jim Griffiths is a lecturer there and he's VERY well known in engineering circles.

Any other questions ask in here (Y)

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Yeah my work involves site investigation mainly... At uni they teach you about the chemical formulas for when granite forms in magma chambers and shit like that, which is fine, but didn't interet me. In my engineering lectures it was all about the top 30 meters of the earths surface, which did interest me. Was much more interested in solving civil engineering type problems than finding a tiny fossil under a microscope.

Anyways, point being, my work deals with the top maybe 20m of soil and rock. Site investigations basically range from small bungalows with cracks in due to tree roots, to dealing with huge business parks being built on tough to work with ground like landfill sites, and everything in between.

My job is pretty varied in that respect. Today I was in Barnstaple and Braunton doing some probe tests on housing eststes they want to redevelop. Last week I was on site logging window samples (cores of soil basically) for residential plots in Exmouth.

Onc I have logged, sampled, potographed and made notes on each site, I head back to the office where I either schedule testing with the lab guys (to find liquid limits/shear strength/whatever), write up the logs to british standard, collate the photos, write the report, make site plans etc etc.

Its a good job for someone like me (and alot of trials riders i'd have thought). You have to be fairly mechanically minded in th simplest sense, I'm always opening man holes, water covers, fixing equipment, making sure the vans are up to scratch, solving problem when you can't open a gate in the middle of nowhere and are 2 hours from the office, that kinda thing.

Its also good because you spnd alot of time out doors, but have the comfort of the office to return to. Its also very varied, and learn loads of different skills with each site you go to.

Grades wise, I think Plymouth was actually my lowest offer, which was something like a B and 2 C's in relevant subjects. I did geology at A level, but many didn;t and got on fine. Thy teach you all you need to know. Geography is a good basis, too.

Its a kind of alround subject.. there are maths tests (even I passed them though), there are elements of A level chemistry, physics and geography, also essay writing and general awareness of current goings on and political issues. Its better to be good at everything than excellent at one thing.

Think thats about it.

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Nick i love you. Its nice to hear that from a practical point of vue. My options i have taken at the moment is, Applied Science, Geography, Geography, and BTEC business. Now im seriously trying to drop geography at the moment. It seriously getting on my tits as the teachers are just a piece of crap. That severly narrows my options though. Ive been looking into being an engeneering geologist, which is close to what you do Nick. However after reading what you just wrote im worried now about my lack of maths (as i only did it at GCSE) and obviously geography.

Decisions Decisions...........


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I only did maths at GCSE too, and honestly I am shit at it. I passed the tests at uni which are GCSE level. In my job if I need to do any maths its either done for me by Excel, or I use a calculator. Its only simple maths, seriously I wouldn't worry at all. Its also doable without geography, a few people on my course did neither geography or geology.

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I honestly can't remember UCAS points wise... Would 240 points be a reasonable number?

Sounds about right. I will check things out and try and get to some open days. Thing is if i have a vague idea of what i want to do in the future then it gives me something to work to.

Cheers nick!

Oh p.s are you going to ride in plymouth on christmas eve?


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