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Best/safe(st) way would be to buy a bolt on sprocket, but that obviously costs money. Will be worth it though when you don't eat shit on a hard downstroke.

EDIT: IF your hub has a disk mount. If not, there aren't any brilliant ways to do it.

Edited by Ben John-Hynes
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bolt (as said)

replace springs with something rigid so pawls cant retract

file your hub flange into the shape of a sprocket and use that

steal an actual hub


put your fingers in the drive mechanism, turn the freewheel to mangle your fingers, put a bit of bone in there to jam it up, rebuild it


take the sprockets off a cassette and just slot them onto a cheap fixed hub

replace casette bearings with cashew nuts

lots of ways, be creative

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There's nothing wrong with it, I just have an old hub laying around, and wondered what it would be like to fixie it and give that a go.

Thanks for all the suggestions, even the one's that weren't so useful were quite amusing

I'll probs give the metal-filler a try,

I'll keep you updated if i lose any teeth


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