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Christmas Presents For The Lady ?


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You must be retarded. They look retarded, and the only reason people want/buy them is that they're too retarded to buy something that every other retard isn't buying.

In fact, this thread is retarded. I bet you're all going to buy those horribly tacky £10 cards that measure up like a piece of A3 paper and have some weak-as-piss message printed inside.

This is why Christmas makes me sick. Either dump her for the festive season, or do what I do and live in a different country.

mate. f**k OFF.

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You must be retarded. They look retarded, and the only reason people want/buy them is that they're too retarded to buy something that every other retard isn't buying.

In fact, this thread is retarded. I bet you're all going to buy those horribly tacky £10 cards that measure up like a piece of A3 paper and have some weak-as-piss message printed inside.

This is why Christmas makes me sick. Either dump her for the festive season, or do what I do and live in a different country.

your going to die alone covered in your own urine...

Ugg boots are a good idea if that's what she wants, personally I'll be thinking in terms of tickets for something ;)

EDIT: Tony Harrisons profile has C3P0 listed as real name and bitch master in personal info, nothing more needs to be said

Edited by MikeCottTrials
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your going to die alone covered in your own urine...

EDIT: Tony Harrisons profile has C3P0 listed as real name and bitch master in personal info, nothing more needs to be said

Not thought for a second that while some people like anonymity on the internet, others almost *need* it?

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You must be retarded. They look retarded, and the only reason people want/buy them is that they're too retarded to buy something that every other retard isn't buying.

In fact, this thread is retarded. I bet you're all going to buy those horribly tacky £10 cards that measure up like a piece of A3 paper and have some weak-as-piss message printed inside.

This is why Christmas makes me sick. Either dump her for the festive season, or do what I do and live in a different country.

Your such a tight b*****d, dumping some one over the christmas season <_<. If your not going to reply wiuth some thing helpful then please dont.
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Although I will surely die alone, and indeed covered in my own urine, and probably worse, the bit about dumping her for Christmas was a mere joke. My own female is French and high-maintenance, so I won't get away with being a 'tight b'stard', you can be sure of that. She likes my shiny gold metallic skin, and the fact that I command b'tches with my steely gaze.

Sorry I just hate Ugg boots, or rather anything that 'everyone' buys at the same time. I had a rant about them at a mate's house, and his housemate's girlfriend informed me that she'd worn them that night, and pointed at hers in the corner. I didn't feel bad, I just decided that she obviously needed the support of her friends to make a decision on what to wear, since she hadn't worn anything like that before they became 'fashionable'.

I admit it was a bit harsh, like, but I was in that kind of mood. Larking around aside though, I just could never buy clothes or jewellery, simply because you can never be sure you'll buy the right thing (unless you're told specifically what to buy - I bought boots last year!!).

Ah, Christmas, what a f'cking load of old w'nk...

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Tony Harrison = Truth

This thread is comedy gold, all you bitchin' like little girls, great effort, has made my less than interesting morning.

And FTR, yes Ugg Boats are both gay, shit and everything else bad in the world.

My missus also would like a netbook, will she get one, not a chance. more likely the usual, shiny silver jangley things. Women are just like magpies.

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Mines just gonna get my cock slapped on her face while I'm hurling abuse at her and her parents watch, before I pull my trousers on and f**k off to put it in one of her mates, if she keeps acting like such a f**king idiot.

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