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Friday 13th

*Koxx hydroxx 2 Jack *

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My tyre slipped on wet wood and I fell on my ass. It happens to me all the time though so I don't think friday the 13th had anything to do with it.

Also the wind got really strong and blew me nearly 180* on my back wheel and when I went to put my foot down I shinned my pedals :(.

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Sat in registration class this morning, and what wandered into the classroom? Just happened to be a black cat, i've also walked under a ladder and stepped on a broken mirror, and had great luck all day! And won £35 on a Scratchcard my teacher got me at lunch. Great.

Pics or it didn't happen....

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I woke up at 1:30, realised i'd missed my 1:30 lecture. But then the police rang saying i can get my stolen decks back tomorrow so that was lucky. Then I just went an blazed at a mates making a tune till now. Maybe I can blame friday the 13th for my henious unproductivity?

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Yes it rained but this depression was replace with happiness of getting cod 6

You're day could indeed get worse if you keep referring to it as COD 6... It's not even officially a Call Of Duty game :P

Nothing really bad happened to me, except a really bad run this evening before my race tomorrow.

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Sat in registration class this morning, and what wandered into the classroom? Just happened to be a black cat, i've also walked under a ladder and stepped on a broken mirror, and had great luck all day! And won £35 on a Scratchcard my teacher got me at lunch. Great.

Edit: New avatar, wtf? Thanks adam!

It's sweet, got the original saved if you insist on changing it back.

Been a pretty good day really, managed to get an interview, and i'm not aching quite so much as i have been recently. Can't seem to find my Liabiltity insurance though but i'll live.

Friday the 13th awesome.

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Fixed my battery charger, charged the battery up, all working fine, 13v(ish) in it, all good. Started straight away once it'd charged.

Then when I go to leave work, nothing. Engine turns and turns, fuel pumps going, has fuel in it, won't fire!

Checked the sparks, the leads, inside the distributer cap, all dry without any corrosion.

Cleaned and tried up the coil connections, still won't go.

I tried shouting at it, talking nicely to it, fed it some fuel, still won't bloody fire! Ended up getting towed by my mate's and left it at his house...



Aswell as my boss arguing with me.

We sorted a guy up the road from work out with some tyres, also re-balanced the other two wheels, and checked the tracking for him.

The tracking (wheel-alignment) was spot on, didn't even need a tweak. Then Roger (boss) says 'he's still paying for it though'

Me: 'What, paying for something that hasn't been done?'

Him: 'Yeah, I've done it as a package deal'

Me: 'No, you haven't. You're simply ripping him off. I'll tell him there's no charge for it when he comes in because it didn't need doing'

Then he tells me I could lose my job over it, because I wouldn't be doing what I was told. Ha! So I'd get sacked for being honest? Good one.

So the guys comes down, I tell him it was all fine, no charge etc. Roger then explains at the till that he has to do it as a package deal, bollocks. I still say it's stupid that he's being charged for it, when he shouldn't have to, but the guy pays anyway!

What a dick. I hate my work, for that reason alone.

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Aswell as my boss arguing with me.

We sorted a guy up the road from work out with some tyres, also re-balanced the other two wheels, and checked the tracking for him.

The tracking (wheel-alignment) was spot on, didn't even need a tweak. Then Roger (boss) says 'he's still paying for it though'

Me: 'What, paying for something that hasn't been done?'

Him: 'Yeah, I've done it as a package deal'

Me: 'No, you haven't. You're simply ripping him off. I'll tell him there's no charge for it when he comes in because it didn't need doing'

Then he tells me I could lose my job over it, because I wouldn't be doing what I was told. Ha! So I'd get sacked for being honest? Good one.

So the guys comes down, I tell him it was all fine, no charge etc. Roger then explains at the till that he has to do it as a package deal, bollocks. I still say it's stupid that he's being charged for it, when he shouldn't have to, but the guy pays anyway!

What a dick. I hate my work, for that reason alone.

Don't blaspheme man! I'm desperately in need of a job, NO CASH :(

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My mate thought it would be funny to launch a 10p at me from a distance of 3 - 4 meters away ( like so it was flat ), So I now have a cut about 1inch in length & 2-3mm deep. If I wasn't getting on my bus home minutes after it I would off dropped the pr*ck.. Now i've got to wait until Monday morning to get him back. He needs to learn to think before he act's, he has no idea to how close he could of come to blinding me in one eye.

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My sister was born on the 13th of September so 13 is lucky for me, the only two bad things that happened today was it rained and my pedal hit my knee and cut it :lol:. But I learned how to pedal up and started off on 3 pillocks! Big achievement for me :D

My mate thought it would be funny to launch a 10p at me from a distance of 3 - 4 meters away ( like so it was flat ), So I now have a cut about 1inch in length & 2-3mm deep. If I wasn't getting on my bus home minutes after it I would off dropped the pr*ck.. Now i've got to wait until Monday morning to get him back. He needs to learn to think before he act's, he has no idea to how close he could of come to blinding me in one eye.

What the f**k? And you consider him your 'mate'!

Where did you get cut? :o hope your ok!

My tyre slipped on wet wood and I fell on my ass. It happens to me all the time though so I don't think friday the 13th had anything to do with it.

Also the wind got really strong and blew me nearly 180* on my back wheel and when I went to put my foot down I shinned my pedals :(.

Ouch, everything that happened to you happened to me.. Lols.

Edited by OnzaKid
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