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Call Of Duty: Modern Warefare 2


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Basically many have been fired because of glitches in the game etc. Although the high end guys blamed it on the lower end guys and they were the ones that went. All in all the game may seem good behind the scenes it's shite! 10th lvl 70 glitch, javelin glitch, modded names, jtag glitching.Etc.

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Others have gone for other reasons but that's the main load. It's been spread all over se7sins and even some of them are forming their own gaming company. Although a few top end workers have gone many went for other reasons not to do with mw2. Most of the problems could have been solved with a public beta. If you have a look at se7sins it has a section on mw2 glitching and it's rediculous how many glitches there is.

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yeah cos mw2 sucks ass for bus fair, i hope treyarch do a better job with the next one, i still play from time to time, nearly 9th prestiege but i cant bare it, the snipers are shit and the noob tubes/commando/ump is bull, cod4 all the way still..

That's why whenever you're online you're playing it, right?

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Ive gone off MW2 atm, decided to go back on MW1, Why ? There isn't people running around maps with RPG'S , the sniper rifles ACTUALLY kill people with one shot and not 7. I dunno, it's basically just a shitload better.

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I couldn't agree more with you, MW2 is the better game, thats obvious, but like you say, only when you get a group of decent players. Who can actually fire a gun, and not just depend on a grenade.

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I couldn't agree more with you, MW2 is the better game, thats obvious, but like you say, only when you get a group of decent players. Who can actually fire a gun, and not just depend on a grenade.

that, also players who just leg it round the map with lightweight and marathon with akimbo glocks or something similar are lame.

They should have seen how some of these perks would affect gameplay before letting it out >.<

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that, also players who just leg it round the map with lightweight and marathon with akimbo glocks or something similar are lame.

They should have seen how some of these perks would affect gameplay before letting it out >.<

I know yeah aha, marathon, lightweight and akimbo 1887's or G18's, your f**ked in simple terms haha.

EDIT: Anyone up for a game on MW1 or MW2 now ?

Gamertag - DannyKearns

Xbox360 BTW.

Edited by Otacon
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