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People From Tf Adding You As "friends" On Facebook.


Friends really?  

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  1. 1. If someone from here adds you as "friends" on facebook do you accept.

    • Accept.
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Not because I'm too-cool-for-skool or anything, but I don't honestly take facebook that seriously. If you add me, I'll probably accept you. But I do get what you mean Simps, I've got soooo many people on FB who are like trials-riders from Argentina or something, which is cool, I've just never met, corresponded with or ever heard of them, so its kind of odd saying they're my 'friend.'


You see you added me and I didn't find it that wierd, we both kinda know each other through here, have met on a couple of occassions recently, so it wasn't wierd you adding me, however what is wierd is people from school adding me that I hate... its like, ok we hated each other for 5 years at school and now 3 years later you think I want to accept your friend request just so you can post pointless status updates which don't interest me in the slightest because... i STILL don't care about YOUR LIFE.

Also people who post EVERY DAMN day, "on the train to work, going to be a shit day" why do i care? Its your life, tell someone who might care but don't tell me. So I cull my FB friends pretty regularly of those I don't care about, and those who status update too much for my liking, so when I go on facebook I can scroll through the updates of people that I do have a genuine interest in... feel me?

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People on TF that I've accepted I've had some amount of dealings with. What annoys me is when people put their page on private, so you can't find anything out as to whether you know them and forgot them or something without adding them. Retards, how's that meant to work?

Yeah, I've only added people I've actually spoken to on facebook.

Edited by Revolver
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As a general rule, i accept everyone who adds me incase they want something/ are gonna be interesting/ have nice breasts if i don't officially know them.

Not many people really know my actual name, so not many noobs add me just 'cos i waste my life on here. I've not got a massive amount of trials-related friends on there, but all of the one's i do have are either people who i'd consider to be proper friends of mine, have spoken to about things and they're on there from back then, ridden/ ride with or people who i've never met but get on really well with (like Jamie for example, and a fair amount of other people)

My MSN contact list, however, is a different story...

Edited by Skoze
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I don't have family members though! Well I've onyl got 2 cousins on there and they barely use facebook. For aprils fool this year i put im gonna leave uni and my aunt saw it and called up my parents which i got a call from later and they were going apeshit down the phone :)

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Also people who post EVERY DAMN day, "on the train to work, going to be a shit day" why do i care? Its your life, tell someone who might care but don't tell me.

Get that all the time as well with stuff like 'someone is with someone' and 'someone is on their way to town'

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I tend to accept adds off people , then have a nose round, see if I know them/want to know them, and then if they get on my nerves theyll get deleted, if not they stay. I hardly ever add people to facebook unless im trying to nail them(thats matt orr, simps and lil skoze covered(although im waiting till your 18)) other people like bongo and mike "the scientist" duffield got added because im interested in what their doing (not in a day to day "tell me what your wearing" style, but I generally give mikes mixes a listen, and bongo has some decent shots of a man in leather riding a bike rather quickly.

Only trouble with declining adds off people straight away is they sometimes lead to actually finding people you properly know etc.

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I never go out of my way to add people from tf. But i accept some if i know who they are.

Worst thing ever was accepting Adam Griffin he's constantly posting crap. :P

Come one, I have 16 hours in which to do nothing but trawl through facebook and post shit. Delete me if needs be, i didn't realise i was that bad haha :S

Oh wait, you already have haha. I don't know how you dare say that, but then have Hannah on there. I post jack shit in comparison to her :P

Also think you'll find you added me, actually.

Ok so you havn't got hannah on there, well that blows my arguement out of the water straight away. I have no leg to stand on here...

Edited by Adam-Griffin
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