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Heatsinkbikes.com November Photo Competition


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Hi all,

Christmas is fast approaching so I thought that it would be fun to hold a competition and give away some stuff :)

The idea is to submit photos of your bike against an interesting background. It could be a well known internationally known land mark/back drop or any scenary near you (urban/natural where ever you want!) which makes an interesting or beautiful photo.

The one stipulation is that the bike feature heatsinkbikes.com clearly visible somewhere. Extra brownie points for the bike featuring a named HeatsinkBikes component (CNC Magura/Vee brake pads, C9 Middleburns bash guard, Vee adapters) or HSB bike sticker. Please post this info below the photo.

The difference about this photo comp and others is that it doesn't give those with the best riding ability an advantage. The comp is wide open to the rider with the best eye for a photo and access to some interesting scenary and a Trials bike!

I was intending to get a photo of my bike against one of the Cambridge Town scenes but time hasn't permitted me yet!

I propose awarding the prize near the end of November. It's a brand new rather snazzy watch as seen below:


Quick way to make your own HSB sticker - Simply print this out!


Good luck!


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  Ben John-Hynes said:
Can we write heatsinkbikes on our bike somewhere instead? 'cause i don't know where my heatsink backings are!

Sounds fair! Amending the rules then (1st post editted): If you don't have any stickers , please have "Heatsinkbikes.com" visibily on the bike somewhere (Y) Of course, extra brownie points for HSB components actually on there and I'd love to know what these are!


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  Ash-Kennard said:
but you didnt take that did you?

I don't think he was entering that picture, i think he was just stating that he's digging that bike out, and used the picture to illustrate. :)

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  Revolver said:
What's the final entry date?

Final entry date is the 30th of Nov 09

  Greetings said:
Is that watch running Windows?

No, but it does feature a novel way of showing the time. Something different that will become a talking point I'm sure with your friends and family. I really like it and thought that others would too :)


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  RossMcd said:
Here is my entry :)


Shows the sticker any my heatsink CNC backings too! Always liked this pic!! Taken using my phone too!

Thanks for your entry Ross! A great idea to look through the frame. I hope this will get people's imagination going (Y)

Keep the entries coming!


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