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Frustrating Sidehop Practice


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I absolutely had practicing sidehops. I sidehop to my forward foot, when I miss a sidehop I land on my chainstay very hard. Im too scared of damaging my bike to put full dedication into the move.

I know most people on here <3 their bike, and yes they do cost a fair bit but they are meant to get knocked around. How you going to get better if you dont put your all into it? You can always get a new frame....

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  vongar_kuu said:
I know most people on here <3 their bike, and yes they do cost a fair bit but they are meant to get knocked around. How you going to get better if you dont put your all into it? You can always get a new frame....

Yeah i second that, i smash my bike all over when doing moves and bailing out, however i do not throw it when i am annoyed.

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I think you need to preload/jump harder and tuck more to the side. It looks like when you preload, you shoot your body down(and sideways?) to preload but you don't lower the front wheel very much. I love to watch damon's style of sidehopping, he holds his front wheel quite high before preloading and then lowers it a lot in the preload. You seem to be the type of rider that focuses on being slow and smooth, and don't get me wrong, this is an awesome way to ride, but sidehops require a lot of power, so they're not usually one of the smoothest moves. I'd focus on being smooth at sidehops only after I'd become quite good at them.

Another thing I find that influences sidehops are the bike that you ride and the gear it has. I tried 5 different bikes when on a group ride for the same sidehop, and I found that the longest(also lowest bb) ones were much harder to sidehop higher with. The short bikes went to rear quite easily, while it was more of a struggle on the really long ones. I also find using a lighter gear can be good because it makes you focus on technique to acquire power than the drivetrain.

Another great thing to do is to go to Mcdonalds and buy a large cappuccino with 5 shots of sugar. You'll be sidehopping like you never have before :lol:

I don't expect you to agree with all of this, because you are a more advanced rider than me. So there might be things that I've left out...or am slightly incorrect with. But this is what I find works best :)

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try not to think about it too much, there is no secret technique that will make you amazing, just do it, fall off have another go..this way means you will end up doing what best suits you. wish someone had told me this when i started learning them lol

tris x

Edited by grant_hundley
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  grant_hundley said:
try not to think about it too much, there is no secret technique that will make you amazing, just do it, fall off have another go..this way means you will end up doing what best suits you. wish someone had told me this when i started learning them lol

This man speaks the truth!

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Something I recently found has helped me a lot with big street sidehops, is instead of trying to sidehop onto the wall, think of it like a high jump bar that you're trying to go over. I'm finding more and more these days that visualising a move is probably about 60% of actually accomplishing it.

Awesome stuff though, get it nailed :)


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  karsonlevoret said:
Something I recently found has helped me a lot with big street sidehops, is instead of trying to sidehop onto the wall, think of it like a high jump bar that you're trying to go over. I'm finding more and more these days that visualising a move is probably about 60% of actually accomplishing it.

Awesome stuff though, get it nailed :)


i've been doing this too. it seems to be working:)

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