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Hydraulic Gyro


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i have been looking at the trixter hydraulic gyro for a few weeks now and really think it would be fun to have on my bike..

i like street trials and think this would add some edge to my riding style.

anybody else use one? or am i being stupid??



Edited by FINDUS
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What bike is it for?

its for my leeson 24" .

If you want to do barspins just buy a longer brake cable or just turn your bars the opposite way to wich you are going to spin them.

i have done that a few times, i just want an easy life i guess,plus i think it looks really nice.

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my gyro has arrived :) its not going to work!!! :(

some reasons....

1.I'm running a hs33 on the rear the gyro will only work with dot 4 oil

2.It looks a mess on my bike its so chunky and looks so out of place.

3.I have wide bars and trying to spin with wide bars dont work.

4.I bled it using magura blood and it ran fine for about 20 mins, after that power on the rear brake failed

5.I give up its now off and back in the box.


I still want bar spins but will use a longer braided hose,to all of you who advised this before you were right and im sorry i did not take your advise! :$

Now my advice is do not buy a hydro gyro unless they make them better looking and last longer than 20 mins.

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I hate to say "Told you so", but just looking at the picture above is a pretty good indication that it's a useless gimmick.

As said before, the easiest way is just to have longer cable / hose.

If it was on a dirt jump bike running disc it would work perfect!! shame i dont want it for that :(

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