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How Do I Remove The Startnut From My Forks?


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wont work if the bottom of the steerer is welded

What welded onto the fork or welded closed. If the later well then   :giggle: , but if the earlier then it often does work and I have done it a fair few times.

Edited by sstein
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A lot of steerer's are a smaller diameter at the bottom to reinforce against the peak stress which occurs where the legs are welded on, so the star nut may jam before coming out the bottom depending on the fork. Some can be pulled out of the fork by putting a top cap on and tightening it against the fork, but the only way that definitely works is to drill the centre of the nut out and tap the sides of the stars with a punch to twist the sideways in the steerer so they can be pulled with a needle nose pliers or hammered out the top of the fork from the bottom.

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