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x F ii ZZ Y z x

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  x F ii ZZ Y z x said:
My Christmas List:

Gibson SG guitar.

100 watt Marshall amp.

200 Pounds to spend on tartybikes.co.uk.

Clothes, Shoes, Etc......

Xbox games.

HD camera.

Ipod Touch.

There my presents my mum said ill defernetly get. Woop Woop!

Bobby Maclaren.

Add your list. :)

I'd literally be happy with one of them!

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  x F ii ZZ Y z x said:
But i bet uved left home though aye.


I bet 99% of people here never had a group of presents like that ever. I don't live at home, but I certainly never got any of my guitars bought for me, let alone that plus amp plus probably about £600+ worth of stuff. Then again, I'm not spoilt and wouldn't feel the need to show it off even if I was!

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  JD™ said:

I bet 99% of people here never had a group of presents like that ever. I don't live at home, but I certainly never got any of my guitars bought for me, let alone that plus amp plus probably about £600+ worth of stuff. Then again, I'm not spoilt and wouldn't feel the need to show it off even if I was!

Yea but for your second birthday, your dad did name a fairly famous alcholic drink after you.

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  Fish-Finger-er said:
Yea but for your second birthday, your dad did name a fairly famous alcholic drink after you.

Haha, true. I guess there's no weight to my post after all!

EDIT: I haven't, and wont, done a christmas list. But my Mum did ask me last week what I want for my birthday (the 10th hint hint) and I caught myself saying I need some new pots and pans. f**k, I've got old.

Edited by JD™
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"my mum buys me all she can because she knows what i've been through" - sounds pretty spoilt to me, some people would get support and love and maybe the odd thing but what your getting is abit over the top...

Edited by Nick pyke :)
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