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right, as i really cant find any bars second hand, it looks like ive conned my girlfriend into getting me some from tarty for christmas.

Now ive been looking at the trialtechs, tryall rage, viz pro 720 and the monty team whites.

Basiclly what are peoples opinions on the VIZ!, try all rage and monty bars? Ive heard lots of good feedback on the trialtechs and montys but nothing on the viz! or tryall.

anyone tried them?


Edited by trialsmax04
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In my opinion you should get trialtechs, but these are only really suitable with a high rise stem unless you like a low front end because of their low rise, otherwise either try-all or monty bars. I would say try-all because they a wee bit wider.

Hope that helps (Y)

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Some people seem to quite like trialtech bars. Seemingly they are like the old style zoo! bars which are meant to be amazing!

And Try-All Rage bars feel really good too. I don't have them myself but I have tried other peoples bikes who do have them and they feel really nice! And they look good too ;)

Edited by duncan_echo26
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Some people seem to quite like trialtech bars. Seemingly they are like the old style zoo! bars which are meant to be amazing!

If thats true, go for the Trialtechs. I'm running old ZOO! bars, and it's no lie, there is something a bit special about them. It'll be a sad sad day when they eventually die (and lets face it, they're well old, it'll happen soon).

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If thats true, go for the Trialtechs. I'm running old ZOO! bars, and it's no lie, there is something a bit special about them. It'll be a sad sad day when they eventually die (and lets face it, they're well old, it'll happen soon).

It might not be true but I'm sure I have heard it from someone.

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I'd heard someone saying something similar. Although come to think of it, I'm sure they were speaking about Adamant risers being like the Zoos. They're quite possibly all made by the same people anyway, and re-branded for the various companies. Like pedals, thats not even funny its so obvious, Wellgo seem to make them all, but you pay a touch more for every brand up the scale having slapped their logo on them.

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