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What Forks For Inspired?


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As a few of you know ive finally gotten hold of my new Inspired.

It came with Echo Urbans, but they always looked completely warped from welding, or simply bent for whatever reason.

The wheel never felt like it lined up and also the handlebars always felt "off" but were perfectly lined up with the marks.

Feels weird when riding and its pulling the wheel off to the left as it feels the left leg is slightly longer which makes sense.

When I do the QR up, it pulls the left leg over a fair way to meet the stationary right leg. It should, if anything, be pulling both legs evenly together toward the hub. Sure, one will pull slightly more than the other but the right leg stays dead still.

So, I possibly need new/diff forks.

What would everyone recommend thats nice and stiff, but suits the look of the Inspireds?

Straight forks suit the Inspireds a bit more than curved I think. Maybe someones got a set of Fat boys for sale?


Edited by † CETFLY †
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If you can hold on buddy the new inspired forks should be out soon. They were being advertised in mountain biking uk this month so im guessin there on their way.

Hey mate

Got any links/pics/prices?

The Urbans are out quite a bit. Theyve welded the arm too far down and the welding has pulled it around, as it does.

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I'm not being pedantic, more curious, but..... why? and why?

First why is (I think) because of the amount of machining and work that has to go into the production. They have quite intricate, neat dropouts and a one piece machined steerer like the Trialtechs.

The second is because they're just perfect. I've been running my protos for ages now (8-10 months at a guess) and due to the single piece steerer and design they are the strongest, stiffest forks I've ever used (on a trials bike of course). A lot of thought has gone into the disc mount to ensure it won't put undue stress into the legs or welds. The top cap (which threads directly into the steerer which is nice) also allows for the brake line to pass down the fork for that Danny Mac look! Together with all that they still weigh less than 1kg. They rock.

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I'm not being pedantic, more curious, but..... why? and why?

First why is (I think) because of the amount of machining and work that has to go into the production. They have quite intricate, neat dropouts and a one piece machined steerer like the Trialtechs.

The second is because they're just perfect. I've been running my protos for ages now (8-10 months at a guess) and due to the single piece steerer and design they are the strongest, stiffest forks I've ever used (on a trials bike of course). A lot of thought has gone into the disc mount to ensure it won't put undue stress into the legs or welds. The top cap (which threads directly into the steerer which is nice) also allows for the brake line to pass down the fork for that Danny Mac look! Together with all that they still weigh less than 1kg. They rock.

They sound great. I dont spose youre allowed to take pics or have pics of them? If not, can you tell me....are they straight like the Urbans?

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They sound great. I dont spose youre allowed to take pics or have pics of them? If not, can you tell me....are they straight like the Urbans?

They're straight blades. The pics of John Shrewsbury and my bikes in the Bike Pics forum both have proto Inspired forks on for your perusal. It took me a while to get used to the looks of the forks because I'd only used curved legs for years but I love them now and the strength and design is second to none in my opinion.

Edit: Just had a quick chat with Dave and he reckons they'll be here before the end of November. RRP is to be confirmed but they'll be available disc only in black or white and magura only in black.

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my echo urban fork with wheel alightment is pretty off too, around 1 cm to the left whch is pretty much. Makes the bike feels weird too

I adjust it to get mine as close as I can, but its not inspiring confidence when I dont know if it has slipped a little or is going to slip when on the front wheel....with me looking at the road and wondering....*shall I eat this bitumen with the sand, or oil of the day? Hmmm will I or wont I have a side of truck with that after I start eating?*

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A BMX fork? I've never ridin a BMX properly and dont really know what you mean.

I take it they wont be steel?...Like a BMX fork? I'm struggling to understand what your getting at. :huh:

I think what John's getting at is that the Inspired's are stiff and solid as fook- proper 'fit and forget' forks like with BMX. They're also straight blade (like BMX's) giving the bike a very direct feel.

They most definitely aren't steel- nicely finished ally all the way with the same steerer tube design as the Trialtechs.

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