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One For The Weight Weenies

Matt Vandart

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On a more serious note:

the reason I got tit's was..................

No really, the reason why I was asking was, my noo mod FEELS, heavier than my old neon 26".

This puzzled the f**k out of me, so I thought I would do a XL spread sheet, a la Muel, and see what it weighed. My scales are f**ked you see.

The answer kept coming out that it weighed a good 1kg less.

Which puzzled me, so as the rest of the information was correct, or as correct as the tarty sooper dooper scales are, I thought I must have underestimated the spoke weight.

Turned out I didn't.

So that brings me back to the original puzzle, why does my mod feel more sluggish?

When Mods are meant to be more whippy.

I'm thinking it's:

A: The gearing

B: The fact that more of the weight is at the front (Disc rather than maggie)

C: I'm a mong

D: I just got over swine flu

E: I just spent 4 weeks in Ireland sans bike and just lost the feel somewhere.

F: All of the above.

Or something..........

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Bar height, and bar angle. Your stem, and it's height, change the ride massively. The lower the front end typically the 'heavier' it will feel. I have a longer frame, and so I've proportionally got a higher front end to make it feel more 'mod'. So yeah, just put some spacers under your stem if you can, or just get a higher stem. Should give it a nicer ride!

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